HIGHEST DAMAGE Genshin Eula Build Guide | Genshin Impact Eula Build Guide Gameplay Tier

#Genshin #Eula #Build
BIG DAMAGE Genshin Eula Build Guide for Genshin Impact! Best Eula Build for MAX Damage Eula DPS Build! BEST Weapons & Artifacts for Eula! Best Eula Team, Best Eula Artifacts, Best Eula Weapon.

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0:00 Intro
0:30 Don’t Do This
2:00 How To Tell # Grimheart Stacks
3:45 What Artifact Sets are Best
6:35 Mainstat + Substats
8:29 Weapons
12:10 Talent Priority
14:00 Teams to Use
21:00 Subscribe ;D


48 thoughts on “HIGHEST DAMAGE Genshin Eula Build Guide | Genshin Impact Eula Build Guide Gameplay Tier”

  1. Now I have conflicting information. I heard it was best to tap E, Q, then hold E. Holding E before you ult apparently makes the ult weaker. Can I get some clarification?
    The damage combo I saw was (E > Q > Hold E > Attack 4 times > Dash > Attack 3 times).

  2. Man, Eula is crazy. I'm only AR52, so I've only been really grinding artifacts for like a little over a month cause I waited to AR45. Was maining Noelle, she's my most built with pretty decent gear so far. Haven't bothered with a proper team quite yet to fully optimize. So my top damage with Noelle was like 31k so far.

    Since 1.5 came out, I did nothing but prepare for Eula. Really decent artifacts, level 90, 8/7/8, but still no support team for her quite yet. My top hit now is like 470k. No food, no setup, just Eula.

    From 31k to 470k. I have no words for how ridiculously OP she feels. I know that's not a lot for Genshin YouTubers showcasing their 89834858 million damage hits, but hey. For a nub like myself who isn't min/maxed yet, that's bonkers. I love her.

  3. what I've learned so far according electro supps is
    fischl = consistent damage buff for autohits and E, mostly used for 90% of the game
    lisa with dragonslayer book = ult damage buff and oneshot potential for bosses etc alongside Bennett

  4. I use her with Xingqiu, Diona and Fischl. I love freezing enemies, then shattering them, then freezing them again, rinse repeat.

    Thanks for the tip on the millileth set for Fischl, I hadn't even thought of that.

  5. I wished on her banner got my first Kequing, I rolled 8 more times got EULA. Then after that, I took a big risk on the weapon banner trying to get her weapon, and failed in doing so. Instead I got my first Wolf's Gravestone!! Trust me when I said I wasn't complaining. Not her best weapon, but still I was so happy. Three 5 stars while only spending around 5000 or so primogems is insane to me. I got around 2700 or so left, so I guess it's time to start saving again. PS: Wolf's Gravestone gives 20% att. So that solves the full 4 piece pale flame problem lol.

  6. What are your opinions on having c2 Jean in your party and sword of broken pines equipped? Would the increase in attack speed worth it?

    I was thinking about running Fischl and Zhongli for sure. My 4th would either be Bennett, Diona, or Jean.

  7. I'd use razor with her. Superconduct tap E. Deff reduction. Negative physical resist downs with her own E hold don't work that well as if reducing defense entirely. Though just a Personal thing.

    Plus razor could take down those icy shields reasonable fast in like 2 or 3 auto hits with burst too. After that also…. zhongli and qiqi. Yes qiqi. The herald cryo is enogh to keep enemies cryo infested for the extra 15% resonance crit rate, maybe skipping a critrate crown for a crit dmg one then

  8. Does the 7 second on the 4 pc pale flame resets on the second stack or it stays still 7 seconds right from the first stack until the second,?

  9. So can anyone answer this for me. So I was using Xinyan on my Eula team than I said F this after literally everytime her shields got hit they just insta disappeared. I build her SUPER DEF heavy because if I read her E right than I should be building her Def and Def % for her shields or am I reading how her shield stacks wrong? I have a 4 piece Tenacity of the Millelith set on my Xinyan with Def % Time piece and as much Def% as I could get. I have a C6 before you ask what C she is, I swapped to Diona but hating it only because I have no more books to level her so my poor Diona is in her 50s and I'm AR 56 so mobs just drop her if her shield pops, I got R4 Sac Bow on Diona, and R1 Sac Claymore on Xinyan due to the shield's timer and the game hating me getting anything but bows XD. I legit can't get another Dragon's bane to save my life for my Hu Tao just more chars, I wish I had a higher refinement Sac Claymore.

  10. Why don’t they put 2 5* claymores on the weapons banner. THINK Mihoyo THINK! I can’t use a sword on Eula, the reason I pulled on the weapons banner is because I want a 5* claymore.

  11. Man just got her and took her to level 40 with a level 60 Snow Tombed Starsilver and she hits like a damn truck, for artifacts she has a level 0 berserker set and she is doing almost the same amount of damage than my level 70 characters with level 70 weapons. She is completely broken. And if you use Beidou's burst on her its just crazy.

  12. == the most wtf is that i got the crit dmg and crit rate substat on artifacts but each time the upgrade goes to hp or other substat. faught the lv90-smth azhdaha but drop talent mat that not for eula. stuck at lv6. D:

  13. When I got Hu Tao right away I wasted all my saved primos on the homa banner. Got r3 greystone. I was mad, now I'm no more.

    Seriously, I pulled Eula just to give that expensive paper weight some purpose, but I never though I would been having so much fun with her!

  14. Been loving your videos man! whenever i need info about characters and builds i always come to your page, your breakdowns are just so good. Thanks for your hard work!

  15. Isn't the 4 piece on the pale flame a 36% damage increase? It says that it doubles when you get the second stack. That would make it way more damage than the other set for your burst


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