We Finally Have NATLAN LORE CRUMBS? | Genshin Impact

#genshinimpact #genshin #shorts #genshinlore #hoyocreators

A leify lore streamer’s thoughts on the Natlan Lore Crumbs we got in Fontaine!

⟡ I’m your leify lore streamer Minsleif
⟡ “I read the Genshin Impact lore so that you don’t have to”


32 thoughts on “We Finally Have NATLAN LORE CRUMBS? | Genshin Impact”

  1. There was hint if you know Aztecs and Mayans' world creation mythology of the 5 suns and how humans were made. African cosmology too was very complex and advanced. Aztecs had their own calendar and zodiac too. But story goes our world was remade 4-5 times give or take. So Natlan going have some very important revelations. ❤

  2. So Natlan has different tribes ..
    That are somehow dragons … That meet up once in a while to fight it out … With different rules … Doesn't that sound a lot like the Xaela Tribes from FFXIV?

  3. Imagine everyone's image of natlan based off of the lore sprinkles we got and come to find out it's not what we hoped. Natlan is gonna be a total mystery at this point not unless they start dropping more nuggets in the upcoming patches and events

  4. in my theory the tournaments are still happening, the pyro archon is dead, so the tournament this time is for the pyro gnosis so that’s why capitano “threw his hat into a storm of war” or something

  5. Hoyo is really sticking to it when it comes to keeping natlan as enigmatic as possible and Im honestly loving it bc that means they must have something wild planned for us


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