Just Dainsleif defending his title as best Genshin Impact character.
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ヽ(*・ω・)ノ Thanks for watching, my ninja!
I'm on dain's side why even try to reawaken it if the gods could just destroy it again. With me helping ofc.
The lore is easily the best thing in this game. Its what keeps me wanting to play so anytime they bring these quests out. I'm in love.
Look at this man running around with Amber like some kinda chad
bro i actually cried for this one, like full on tears streaming
They really show they should just give the MC their own dialogue an have paimon shut up an stop talking for us. Such wasted voice acting.
When Kage says Kuki it brings me back to the first days of Genshin back when he pronounced Keqing "Keking"
3:14 damn it, I was suddenly reminded of the Johnrezi part of the Homestuck Epilogues! Curse thine flesh, Jeikage!
quests involving Dainsleif is always guaranteed to make you cry or the fact it's just so good
"Wow. You guys are very easily seduced." got my coffee out of my mouth and on to the carpet.
welp this pretty much red flag, and sign Deinslief will be like Signora, Dead and never release lmaooo
I lost it at 17:29 way too much of a change in tone

POV: you're a discord dark mode user
I think khanri'ah is revived, Maybe
This is also one of the proof that make Genshin Impact lore slowly became the second Honkai lore… it so fricking depressing ;-;
Maybe Kaeya's ancestors were the ones from Khaenri'ah and they moved to Mondstadt. They probably passed down the language so Khaenri'ah can live on in some way.
That fe3h background music made me feel nostalgic
Agreed. It's also the first time I ever cried over a game quest. Not a lot of things fictional make me cry (except Honkai which is still under Hoyoverse
This made me respect Dain all the more. The last time we saw him I felt like traveler. His motivations were still unclear and ambiguous but in here, it seems like we're headed towards "choosing a side" like he said. It feels like we're more likely to choose his side now the more we learn about Khaenri'ah
and the fact that Kaeya isn't featured since the earlier patches makes me think that sometime in the future he's going to have SUCH A BIG ROLE on this. I'm excited to see Dain and Kaeya interact.
This commentary is so obvious and casual, too dam good.
"You better not tell me this is ancient dragon civilization"
Me, after reading the five books : Well, about that…
Seems like all dainslief quests are gonna tragic
If this got you emotional I wanna see you do Tsurumi quest