Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!
Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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1:08 Weird, Diluc’s bday message said he’d throw away all obligations to go with us. At least he’d be in the 2nd tier.
Childe: "Hey Scaramouche buddy, wanna hear a song I wrote about you?"
Scaramouche: "I'm going to regret this, but sure."
Childe: "Scaramouche's Mom Has Got It Going On!"
Scaramouche: "Yep, called it."
Love the cover of this video
Her: He's probably thinking of other women
Him: If Ayato looks like Baizhu, why no one make a Ayato and Qiqi meme
Mona COULD travel with the traveler, cause that would make her rent problem a non-factor.
Her: i wonder what hes thinking off
Me: in klees trailer when she had her hands up, she was caught by the police
La Signora: Dies
Scaramouche: Laughs Histerically in the background
Katherine life is sad
5:48 I'm an Itto main…. and I waited until AR55 before bothering with abyss. it's so true!!!! x'D
Abyss floor 11-3: *has pyro lector
pyro abyss lector: ho ho, so you are approaching me?
Me: i cant beat the sh*t outta you without getting closer
2 mins later, me who don't have any good hydro chars: barbara, ive come to bargain!
barbara: you could not live with your own failure, where did that bring you?, back to me.
1:08 Weird, Diluc's birthday message said he'd cancel all commitments to join us, at the very least he'd be in the second tier.
Ayaka: Brother, am I ugly?
Ayato: Wat are you talking about? You're the most beautiful girl in the world!
Kaeya: Brother, am I ugly?
Diluc: Very much.
Let’s change this meme up quickly
Her: she’s probably thinking of other woman #GIM
Her: How did the half animal half human characters come to genshin?
Itto: haha ushi go BRRRRRRRRRR-
0:35 But…they are immortal.
Black javelin I think
Slime be gone
5:45 Amber main: Yoimiya
Traveller’s voice: What is my purpose?
Hoyoverse: You appear once at the end of an archon quest
Traveller’s voice: oh my god
Meme: "easy description for polearms"
Me: "description for polearms if klee explained them"
Ayato:Who needs reading when you have boba?
Lisa:*Getting ready to shock him*
Xingqiu:*Gets books to throw*
1:37 I didn't think about that but than how long was the woman dead for and how old is tsumi's clothes?
Me : * literally use pyro character ult to Pyro Abyss lector *
Why won't you die ?!
Pyro Abyss Lector : * Immune * your ult won't damage me , they harden in response to physical Pyro Trauma .
* proceed to attack *
#GIM 0:38
Zhongli: just give me a few more months in here and i'll be ready, hu tao.
traveler was the new memories i was making together. now they're gone.
we never got to share some osmanthus wine.
Klee: "My constellation means good luck!" Bennett: "Can we trade?"
Dragonspine : An Avalance Occurs
Travelers : Kaeya Did That
Teyvat destroyed
the common folk The Traveler can fix that!
When you get dendro'd in open world
'i sleep'
When you get dendro'd in spiral abyss
The real reason why our sibling joined the Abyss is because they kept losing the 50/50.
3:59 No maidens
I got lil hyped sorry