Why Only Getting Half of Inazuma is a Good Thing | Genshin Impact

#genshin #inazuma #wtfonlyhalfomgnowaykekw

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22 thoughts on “Why Only Getting Half of Inazuma is a Good Thing | Genshin Impact”

  1. I was disappointed at first but thinking about it, it makes sense. They don't want us to complete all the content at once. Otherwise we will be begging for more region release and that will only make the dev team suffer 😂😅

  2. Tbh i dont mind at all as long as my traveler can go to inazuma, at least the island…and by only releasing 3 island instead of the full region (6 islands), hardcore player wont be able to 100% inazuma, it also makes me excited for the upcoming islands

  3. If you're speedrunning content then that's a strong indication that you're not enjoying and appreciating the game. The true way to play Genshin is to enjoy it slowly, day by day, explore one area at a time instead of trying to explore every single corner in one sitting. Stop being hardcore gamers, and you'll find yourself enjoying the game more. MiHoYo has put so much details in the environment for a good reason, and that is to ENJOY them and TAKE YOUR TIME with them. Stop being so fixated in reaching the top or maximizing everything, instead focus on the journey. That's how it should be, not just in video games but in the real world also.

  4. I miss unlockable maps. Take GTA: VC as example: 2.5 islands, using all the first island, the turning point was in the small one, the last island was the 2nd part and the end was about all the map.

    It had focus and it was good

  5. def a good thing bc i know id grind it out since im a nerd so its good. i just hope they do give us lots of events etc tho to fill up the gap between when the nerds grind out first 2 quests & puzzels etc to keep us busy bc if u dont do resin refreshes like me its just extremely boring to run around killing mobs

  6. Tbh the only people bothered by this are the people who want genshin to be the type of game they can play for 6-10hrs every single day and also make meaningful progress from said 6-10hrs of daily playtime.

    I'ma be completely honest here, and people are free to dislike this and disagree, but if you can't find enjoyment in anything else besides grinding the same video game for several hours every single day, you just might have a problem with being addicted to games/screens.

  7. I started playing the game at the time of the 2nd venti banner. I feel kinda lucky as a "noob" because there was always something to do. I'm a long way from inazuma. Haven't even made it to the childe fight yet but imma take my time. I'm having a blast.

  8. Same idea as me. I'm gonna finish the Chapter 2 Act 1 archon quest first for the events and pause a bit before proceeding to Act 2 or I will run out of content too soon.
    "Every journey has it's final day. Don't rush." – Zhongli


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