WORTH THE GRIND! | Level 90 R5 Catch is BROKEN on Everyone…| | Genshin Impact

0:00 – How to get the Catch
1:20 – Baal W/o Boosters
1:50 – Baal Damage
4:12 – Xiangling Catch
9:01 – Zhongli

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24 thoughts on “WORTH THE GRIND! | Level 90 R5 Catch is BROKEN on Everyone…| | Genshin Impact”

  1. So help me out. I want to use a national team comp with both Xiangling and Baal. I have R1 Skyward spine, will have R5 catch and R2 Dragons Bane.
    Would you recommend Skyward on Xiangling, Catch on Baal or a different set up (specify)?
    C6 Xiangling, C0 Baal

  2. I really appreciate that your videos are low on filler and high on informative content. You get right into it and its usually 10 minutes of actual information instead of talking loud… pausing… offering an opinion… and rinsing and repeating for 15 minutes. Thanks for the content!

  3. Finally pulled both of the new characters took me 40 pulls and now I’m going for the catch because I just refuse to pull for the special five star weapon.

    But I will say that the puffer fish aren’t as hard as everyone say they are just focus on the line it’s just simple

  4. Peace be upon you, I have a Gension Impact Rank 56 Europe account for sale
    It has Pal, Kitching, Shao, Child, Mona, Chichi, Deluk, Eola, two Five Star Weapons and all four star characters.
    And the least character in Four Star c 3
    I need to sell it to anyone who wants to buy it. He responds to my comment and I send it my number


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