Genshin Impact Alt Account Enviosity, Mtashed 1.4 1.5
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0:00 – Reasons why I have an alt
3:25 – Reasons you should consider an alt
ZcriptureZ Video “AR 35 to AR 40 in less then 10 minutes – Genshin Impact Gameplay”
Sky Void Video “Genshin Impact – Maxing Out Liyue’s Statue of The Seven (Level 0 to Level 10)”
whoa this was only minutes ago, very awesome!
I think you have a point
Good point but honestly I just don’t feel like playing much more genshin then I have to, don’t get me wrong genshin is a great game but at the end of the day it’s a side game. You could theoretically play it for as long as you want, grinding mats but that’s no fun. Genshin after that first few weeks everything slows down, being meant to be played as just a side game from time to time. If you are really enthusiastic about genshin making an alt definitely would be fun but I just can’t bring myself to grind and put more time into the game then what I have to.
xiangling best dps wdym, also is your eye better?
been havin an alt since 1.1. I have multiple diff 5 stars and weapons. Peoples mistake is expecting a big collection of chars and weps comparable to a mega whale. You cant experience that without an alt.. or being a mega whale
I just made an alt like 2 weeks ago and go on there whenever im bored. My luck on there is insane, got keqing at 20 pity, and then 10 pulls later boom venti, having a lot of fun making team comps with characters ive never had, highly recommend as well
okay off topic, but AETHER BUILD PLEASE?! i main him and you are doing some insane dmg
I really want to replay the story again and I’m still AR40, not even abyss ready yet. I’m not at the point of being stuck with nothing to do and still have spiral abyss to look forward to but once I do clear spiral abyss, I’m definitely making a F2P Alt. Probably multiple as they finish up other regions so I can just binge and play through it all at once.
Future players make have the luxury to experience the complete game for the first time but we can still at least use alts to experience that same complete game uninterrupted and with more efficiency as you stated.
I got Ganyu in a single pull and the Jade Spear on standard, I tried form Hu Tao and got really close and then got Venti and got Jean twice from the beginner banner, I love it!
I feel like some of the things you get from an alt account could be gained in a main account if mihoyo ever gave us content that could use more parties (outside of the abyss because timed arenas can die in a fire)
As it is now, I could probably get more enjoyment levelling up more characters and decking them out in nice things but there's any barely any content that needs more than my core team of 4 characters.
I misunderstood how the whole "vishaps and where to find them" was going to work and thought we'd be sending out 4 separate parties to varying difficulties of the primo vishap boss fight so I started building a main DPS for 4 different parties and it was nice having a new goal and new characters to worry about… until the event hit and all I needed was levels (so I guess it sorta worked out even if it wasn't what I'd been prepping for :P)
I have three accounts and I got to play all characters on Standard banner
what do you think of making your alt account your main?
i like all your point but….i already do that on my main and im f2p so nothing will change my experience even if i make alt acc i guess i never gonna felt how whale feel ever in this game…LOL