Thank you all for the support!

So in today’s video I wanted to talk about Yelan and the whole nerf situation and just give my 2 cents on the matter. As always this is just my opinion and I would love to hear yours down below!

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34 thoughts on “YELAN GOT NERFED.. NOT WORTH PULLING!?? | Genshin Impact”

  1. I know this video was a little more controversial and ranty but I just felt the need to speak on this topic. I hope you guys enjoyed and let me know what else you all would like me to talk about because right now that's the only type of videos I can make lol love you fbg fam!

  2. nerfed 1,5U to 1U isnt a big deal. I mean xingqiu pre c6 apply the same amount of hydro after all. her being on par with xingqiu means shes rlly good considering how nasty xingqiu is. and remember, u only have "one" xingqiu

  3. I think for me, as a F2P player, it’s not about being massively optimal or anything like you’ve said in your video about being sweaty. It’s about knowing when I can spend my primo gems on something really strong to help with the abyss. Through that lens, I’m happier to invest in someone like xingqui if he’ll do about as good a job if not better. Just thought I’d say that as I got the impression that you only think the people that care are try hard sweats and not low invest players.

  4. It’s ok if you don’t understand it. It’s less about 1.5U going to 1U and more about if she will work with your favourite character. I know personally the only reason I was gonna pull for her was as an upgrade for my Hu Tao. You mentioned how a lot of people would still use her anyway but that’s kind of a given if they pulled for her, however I think a lot of people who were going to pull for her won’t.

    I think this is especially true for f2p players such as myself where we can’t just pull any character we want, and when a character is going to be on par with or worse than one we already have there becomes much less of a reason to pull for them.

    Since there isn’t a whole lot to do in Genshin one of the things I enjoy a lot is looking into the numbers behind everything and trying to make my team as strong as possible because I find that really interesting, so the power level of characters absolutely influences whether or not I pull for them.

    I’ll wait until the last couple days of her banner to decided to pull or not and base my choices off of in game tests but by the looks of it I don’t think she will beat out a C6 Xingqui but we’ll see.

  5. Yelan hydro application may be down. It's super heavy ended as is. And overrides everything. She isn't going to replace XQ for diluc or hutao. But I kinda feel yelan was meant to be used more for taser comps. Now the electro will be causing the reaction over the hydro for her. I can see it being better for yae miko. Won't know until its tested. But does it really matter. Everyone at this point has XQ. If they are that worried then just use him for vape reactions. Bow kicks and armpits are reason enough to pull yelan lol

  6. Tenten said it best and he brought out a good point about her 1.5 U hydro application working with different team comps especially double geo. Yeah unless your going for 30 second 12th floor abyss clears this game isnt that serious. As a big whale of Genshin I was planning on getting her with max constellations but now I'm feeling iffy because I feel she will get nerfed further down the road till 2.7

  7. Heii don't worry about putting your thoughts out there, it doesn't mean you're sharing negativity Cody.

    You just have a friendly energy overall so i couldn't really see you in a negative light really XD

  8. I'm probably the odd one out but I actually just want yelan to be with my Eula, I usually run a ganyu melt/ xiao team than a eula team with xingqiu as my flex character. So having yelan actually allows me to have a nearly optimal full waifu team. I can already beat abyss easily so me wanting yelan for "Optimal / efficient" gameplay just ain't me anymore.

  9. Yes, yelan being nerfed from 1.5u to 1u is not a big deal, as long as she deals damage and can kill enemies. Might as well nerf her to 0.8u cause she may still be broken and would make other hydro characters obsolete and make their rerun banners' sales drop.

  10. Most Ftp and low spenders can't just pull for whoever they want. Let's be honest, most people want to feel powerful in a game like this because that's half of the fun. People want to feel like they're a powerful anime character.

    Look at Yae Miko, sure you can make all the arguments you want how she's a decent character even at c0 but when pulling for 5 star people want a great character that makes the 4 stars less useful and needed. Since her c0 is nerfed that means she's not that much worth pulling for unless you just want a another Xingqiu or just care about collecting cool characters. I don't take the game that seriously but I still care about the value of a character because I'm not a whale and I'm not going to keep buying or wasting earned primos on characters I just but aren't that much different from a 4 star.

    The company doesn't really want you have a good time with c0 characters. They want you to feel weak enough to make your urge to pull for more cons or their BiS weapon stronger. Hence why they trying to make harder bosses and enemies.

  11. The thing is that power progression is kinda off in Genshin. I hoped she would be a clear upgrade to Xingqui or other Hydro Sub-DPS to feel any power progression. I do not want another sidegrade like characters before (especially not a 5* one).

    Count in that up to this patch, we did not see any progression in the main story either, the game feels kinda stale atm.

  12. So wait, whats the big deal about this? I just saw that the hydro application went down 1 second i guess for her elemental burst. Is this what people call "nerfs", especially when its a BETA TEST and stuff is going to change before a character release anyway. At the very least, i reserve judgement until the character actually releases and not judging them in a beta which is going to change. Sorry but this seems like the most pointless drama if people actually fighting over this, then again with how toxic genshins community is i'm not surprised. I'm still very intrigued by Yelan and Kuki Shinobu and i love there kits and designs so far so i can't wait for there release. You can say "copium" all you want, but i think people already have way to high expectations for characters eveb before there actually released. I'm sorry but stuff like this, especially in a game were applications of elements have a time limit anyway and icd is a thing, its just something i can't get passionately mad about. Its fine if people don't like the character, i just think the genshin community overhype, over-exaggerate, and dramatize characters too much at this point.

  13. It may not be even a nerf, this change can make her even better, cause we will only see this after character release and tests made by players. It takes time. I see here new great team variation:
    Hu Tao/Xingqiu/Yelan/Shinobu team, freeze teams just works with whatever, in vape Xiangling type style will be better to go back change rotation and keep Xiangling as on field dps just to max Yelan's passive so this can be also slight nerf to national Raiden team. Mostly winning here is Eula or other characters who stay on field for longer time… Xiao should work also…


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