Ningguang DID WHAT For Her Vision?!? | Genshin Impact lore

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Ningguang has a VERY Interesting vision story in her lore! This is a Genshin Impact lore creator’s take on Ningguang’s strange hidden story!


10 thoughts on “Ningguang DID WHAT For Her Vision?!? | Genshin Impact lore”

  1. But it's not bad actually when you think about it.

    The Vision reawakened from her greed then the previous own of said vision would also be the same type pf person as her so it makes sense

  2. I think it’s actually quite telling of her future prominence as a leading figure in Liyue’s mercantile history. What would be her first “big sell” ends up becoming the defining mark of her destiny to master the trade of trading itself. It’s a “vision” of her capability, resourcefulness, and willingness to take huge risks to reap greater rewards—even at the expense of others!


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