Why GANYU Is ALWAYS Recommended For NEW And F2P PLAYERS | Genshin Impact

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So in today’s video I wanted to do my best to breakdown Ganyu as a character and give some explanations on why so many people recommend pulling for Ganyu if you are new to Genshin, f2p, or both. I hope this video helps in terms of giving you some insight on why Ganyu and to better help you make a decision! Let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below.

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41 thoughts on “Why GANYU Is ALWAYS Recommended For NEW And F2P PLAYERS | Genshin Impact”

  1. Ever since I first saw Ganyu in the story looong ago, I was like "god, she's sooo cute!! If she becomes playable I will get her no matter what." And so she became playable.
    This lovely cocogoat is still my fav waifu. (Sometimes I just wanna squeeze those adorable cheeks of hers) I didn't pull for damage output, but because of her design. And she's the only character I got without losing 50/50.
    She's amazing in every way. The damage is unbelievable, and the 100% uptime ult can't be outperformed. But tbh she becomes boring to play after a long time. And that's why I changed playstyle with her. Im running full Cryo set on her, so she has enough Crit rate. However im using her as support, or simething like that? Starting the fight with an Aimshot, ult, changing to someone else, doing stuff and they're just dead before the ult ends. Or if I'm bored getting hit by 5 enemies rapidly, I just swap to Ganyu, finishing the work the easiest way.
    Ganyu support (with ult), Ei support(her E skill, I mean) and Childe/Hu Tao is insanely valuable, and extremely fun. Nubers go brrrrr and so satisfying to do something that is not just aiming.

  2. I joined Genshin when it was Klees rerun, therefore I did not have the chance to get Ganyu :< Recently I’ve been wanting her and she’s coming in 2.4 (I think second half but I hope she’s in the 1st half.) but anyway I wish to win the 50/50 once her banner comes. I’m not F2P[anymore] By the time she’s comes (if she’s in the second half) I’ve calculated that I’ll have almost 90 wishes for her, if I end up losing my 50/50 I’ll be forced to buy Genesis Crystals..

  3. Personally, I've wanted Gonyu since I started Gashen Impact. Her burst would make the water boss easy. I also don't have the best aim with bow characters and am a mostly mobile player, and that doesn't really matter with Gonyu. Plus, I've been farming for her for forever.

  4. I wanted to pull for Ganyu but the more I think about it all I really like about her is her burst. Like I don't really like her character design nor her lore nor playstyle tbh. I do enjoy her burst and think that it would work nicely with my Klee but I'm not sure if it's enough for me to only enjoy the burst and not really use her charged shots. If I don't pull for her, I'm probably gonna wait for Ayaka because I enjoy her more overall but she doesn't have such a big burst like Ganyu :')

  5. I've been preparing for months, and I've wanted her since I lost the 50/50 to keqing on her banner! I'm guaranteed and I have about 30 wishes saved with 40 pity or so! So excited for 2.4 livestream–i hope she gets her well deserved rerun:D

  6. I first started playing Genshin when the first Albedo banner was ending. Ganyu was my 1st 5 star. I got her out of pure luck and only 25 pulls in. Before getting her I wasn't too keen on her, mainly because I was a mobile player.

    But now, to this day, I would NOT change her for anything. Her being a bow user is not a problem on mobile at all and she's really easy to use and requires low investment. She carried me through absolutely EVERYTHING. One of, if not the best characters for a new player to get.

    Still a Ganyu main, and always will be. No character I've gotten since has beaten her.

  7. Another thing about the Taunt is that it generates energy. When you cast it, if it hits an enemy you get energy and when it expires it explodes and if that hits an enemy you get more energy

  8. I didn't really care about her dmg and or abilities, just pulled her 5 minutes after her banner released in 1.2. Get amos bow 5 minutes later. Then turned out she is incredible, so its a win win for me.

  9. Why Ganyu?
    1. Versatile, can be dps sub dps support, and she can play in many team comp.
    2. 15 sec. Big burst disco² with 15 sec. Couldown, it's mean always up time, and it's easy if u give her favonius warbow (support).
    3. Everyone will get the best of Wanderers troupe set because of Weekly Boss.
    4. She doesn't has problem with energy recharge.
    5. You don't need to worry about crit rate.
    6. She is OP at C0
    7. Remember she is the G.O.A.T 🚴

  10. I'm ftp and I don't think I want Ganyu I feel like the game would be way to easy with her I like to have a little bit of a challenge when I play games but I need a little help I pulled hu tao but I don't know who I need to pull next that makes sense can someone help plz

  11. still cant fully decide if ill get her or zl. I'm a mobile player so I'm quite concerned as to how i might perform while using her. does hitting the floor really hit the nearby enemies (i.e., is it enough, or do i need to aim for the monsters)

  12. Ganyu is pretty boring in my opinion, she is broken indeed, but there is no fun mechanics in her play style. When I got her I got bored after a week or so. I personally don't recommend Ganyu for new players, she would make the game too easy and boring. Pulling for a Kazuha, Ayaka, Itto and many others is way better for me

  13. 1. good dps
    2. versatile
    3. easy to build ( for freeze team at least )
    if u get bored & mald because u misses 90% of ur shots
    u can always slap her on any cryo team or melt team
    I often use her as a burst support with ayaka
    slap favonious warbow on her, she always have her burst up everytime

    she might not be the best main dps on the current abyss, especially if u're at c0 and don't have amos
    ( proto crescent is the best f2p option & those doggos on f12 don't have weakspots )
    but she still clears content regardless

    but a quick reminder, ganyu & xiao might only get a rerun every lantern rite patches a.k.a. once a year
    so if u're interested in either of em, go get em asap!
    and good luck to ur pulls


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