Welcome to another episode of Genshin Impact Memes!
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BG Music: Dizzy by Joakim Karud
Majority of the memes in this video were made by the talented memers at:

#GIM #GenshinImpactMemes #GenshinMemepact


50 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT MEMES #93”

  1. #GIM

    miHoYo:kid,what do you want for christmas?
    Me:i want the dendro character to come out earlier
    miHoYo:oh come on,be more realistic
    Me:ok i want you to make more warming spots in the dragonspire
    miHoYo:ok what kind of dendro character

  2. Haven't heard of a lost account that's actually been "Hacked".
    It is the people who sold accounts getting them back.
    Their business model is to sell you an account, wait a few months for you to get new 5stars, and reclaim the account to sell it to the next victim.
    If you made your own account and never give your password to anyone, this will not happen.

  3. Let’s take a moment to talk about how every geo vision user hates their vision
    Noelle didn’t want geo as she expresses that she doesn’t like it
    Ningguang tried to sell her vision
    Albedo doesn’t care about his vision, he uses alchemy more than his vision


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