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BG Music: Dizzy by Joakim Karud
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Dainsleif is paimon. 😂
Others wanting Venti to come home
Me who wants more Sucrose constellations
Mihoyo: There you go A Venti
Forgetting wanmin rly hits home
Lisa:Hello Sans from 'Undertale' .
Sans:Hello Lisa from 'Genshin Impact'.
Both:Being lazy af but powerfull af at the same time
dainsleif is not grown up aether, they meet eachothe in the story
"Dainsleif is paimon" what-
miHoYo:kid,what do you want for christmas?
Me:i want the dendro character to come out earlier
miHoYo:oh come on,be more realistic
Me:ok i want you to make more warming spots in the dragonspire
miHoYo:ok what kind of dendro character
Tbf…during the medival period, China was the most prosperous, invented paper currency. Europe overtook them when in later period
Holy carp we seriously need a long haired Barbara like RIGHT NOW
The iceberg of genshin theories : dainslief is paimon
Me : I'll do you one better paimon is player
7:45 great theories, but i believe Razor is from Natlan, if u pay attention he definitely is not from Mondstadt
Hu Tao: exists
Qiqi: and I took that personally
Me:scares away one bird
Timmie:And I took that personally
Barbara with long hair kinda looks like durandal
"Genshin and Honkai take place in the same universe"
No seriously, are they?
00:41 me who ar55 and plays with 0 primogem: still dont have any bennet
Razor : activate his elementals burst to kill a group of electro slimes
Electro slimes : Lol I'm immune to electro you idiot
Razor : SO DO I ?
Electro slimes : oHhH sHiT
If Barbra had long hair she would look like that one loli from rising of shield hero lol
0:57 i directly leave youtube to do what i have forgotten
0:55 Yo, imagine Glory gets a Geo vision and basically becomes Toph
Everyone : *rolling for Venti or complaining about not getting Venti*
Me after getting Venti from a random 1 pull : pathetic
Everyone:-Pulling Venti to say 'F2P btw'
Me :- Pulling Venti to kill all Timmie's birds
We need Barbara long hair costume
Wait Lumin getting electro ?????????
Fans seeing Eula leaks:
It's good
Also fans after seeing leaked Electro Traveller:
But it can be better
Barbara with long hair is even cuter
I know this isnt about the video but…..I GOT VENTI FINALLY
I do not accept Eula and Yangfei i need klee…
The Theory Iceberg: Baizhu is Sucrose's father.
What if Barbara had long hair:
Me: she does have long hair…
God PLEASE give Glory a vision and make her a playable character. My wallet would open so fast.
0:34: Didn’t mention that Mihoyo is from China
0:03 Beautiful. Why isn't there an option for the girls in the game to let their hair down.
0:24 Logical and the reason I main Lumine.
0:57 True.
Yall are forgetting about Ulfr with his cursh on Flora 😥
That Outland gastronomy duo picture makes me kinda ship Noel and diluc, idk why
Bao'er is kinda sus, isn't there a commission where she's suspected to be a treasure horder?
People who save up for Ayaka when they notice a new waifu named Eula: Screw Ayaka go Eula
Someone : Ugh i have no 5 star
Traveler : Am i a joke to you?
What if Keqing had her hair down?
Thank you Pixiv Artists, you didn't disappoint
Dainsleif is Paimon really got me in the last meme
1:52 the Legendary fowl. I shall persist i cannot let the temptation take over me.
1:10 what he actually is: some dumb drunk de boy looking dude with an emo back story
Haven't heard of a lost account that's actually been "Hacked".
It is the people who sold accounts getting them back.
Their business model is to sell you an account, wait a few months for you to get new 5stars, and reclaim the account to sell it to the next victim.
If you made your own account and never give your password to anyone, this will not happen.
She definitely needs a vision
Let’s take a moment to talk about how every geo vision user hates their vision
Noelle didn’t want geo as she expresses that she doesn’t like it
Ningguang tried to sell her vision
Albedo doesn’t care about his vision, he uses alchemy more than his vision
1:40 NO!
1:05 holy shit i actually forgot about the hoyolab check in reward
i really hope one day timme actually becomes a new boss