Thank you all for the support!

So in today’s video I wanted to talk about what I have been seeing as of late which is of no surprise because at this point it has become the norm with any new 5 star character that will be releasing into the game. That is people saying Yae Miko is not going to be good without her being officially released. Everybody has their own opinion and are entitled to them and if you think she is not going to be good then that is perfectly fine. Having healthy discourse and constructive conversations I think are a good thing but until she officially releases in game and we have had the opportunity to try her out, I don’t think we should be making a definitive statements whether they be negative or positive.

Yae Miko sauce: https://www.deviantart.com/akayuki471/art/Yae-Guuji-Genshin-Impact-877870025

Artist: Akayuki471

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Fan website: https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/albedo/

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28 thoughts on “YAE MIKO IS GOING TO BE TERRIBLE | Genshin Impact”

  1. I think the problem is the niche that Mihoyo is trying to carve with Yae, as an electro reactions DPS. Electro as an element is already kinda meh, but if you don't weigh the value of electro reactions heavily, she essentially becomes a worse version of Raiden. Sure, you can use them both together, but that only makes the reliance on electro reactions even worse. Overall, I think Yae won't be bad, just she won't really be necessary in any comp really.

  2. idk why people are so bothered about characters being top Meta OP. It's a PVE game. The only thing that matters is how fun a character is, and Yae looks hella fun. I'll be running her with Kujo Sara, Bennett, Kazuha. The electro explosion combo is gonna be insanely fun

  3. The genshin community is really spoiled with broken characters like ganyu and hu Tao. Yae miko isn’t even released yet and her weapon details aren’t even released and people are already saying she’s trash. We don’t even know her full kit, the only thing we know so far is that her passive scales with elemental mastery and that’s it.

  4. Dude c0 Shenhe is trash what are you talking about? She does no damage and only buff 5-7 attack per e. Hell c0 yunjin is better. But I don’t think yae miko will be trash her e and q have high scaling but still electro element is meh so.. she was so overhyped, leaker were saying she’d do electro and pyro together and was going to put dps ganyu but I don’t see that happening.

  5. Don't think yae will be trash but i just expected her to do something outside of just damage considering the characters personality. i feel like shenhe kit would suit her perfectly having other teammates delivering her damage for her. flat damage would also be crazy for raidens burst with all the additional bonuses it gets. to me yae not underwhelming, just disappointing

  6. I already expected this gonna happen, since Raiden shogun was out. Possible the future character gonna have 90 energy Cost with Single Target E skill.
    Mihoyo always put a solution to a problem before it's happen.

  7. Nice clickbait bro, lmao :D.

    I don't think Yae gonna be broken, but imo she gonna be highest pick of electro element and very good dps and seems like really fun to use. For sure she gonna be main dps and her high energy cost and cdr can be like that because she gonna do dps as herself, her auto attacks are okay, but her charge attacks seems very promising. We just need to see how they will change her or not in beta server. Also her totems can still do damage if you gonna change characters for their E and Q and came back to Yae. I think Yae can work pretty good with Raiden to keep back Yae energy and boost her ult which seems to hit a tons.

  8. I'm in the privileged position of having a strong enough roster of characters that I don't have to worry about "the meta" anymore and can afford to pull for whoever I like the most.
    That said odds are Yae's gonna be just fine like all the other characters before her who were once considered trash or subpar. (Kokomi and Yoimiya being some of the most recent ones)
    It's the same circus as always, nothing new here so don't pay too much attention to all the doomposters living in the future and keep saving up for Yae. Really looking forward to her myself!

  9. At this point i dont even care about the game, I just want a electro character who's on paar with Ganyu in terms of dmg and is not a fcking support. by that i mean, if mihoyo gives me a slime with ganyu skill set copy paste, and same dmg. I will buy it. I will c12 it. I WANT A ABSOLUTELY BROKEN ELECTRO DPS FFS AND THAT'S IT. pretty good is not good enough for electro at this point in time. period. After saving more than 200 wishes for her through just grind, and mihoyos promise of fixing electro with her, doing high equivalent dmg with her, it's just annoying at this point. I don't really care about the design as you can see, i'll be fine with a slime for a character. She's designed as a dps, with support (E), and a quick swap burst. like what is that even supposed be? BTW even lisa can do dmg, but there's a reason why people wish on ganyu and hu tao, and it's not because they want to use them as supports or lay them in bed. maybe the second is true but that's not the point. Mihoyo has baited everybody with yae miko and raiden shogun with promise of fixing electro when they haven't done sht and that's fax. YAE IS GOING TO BE BAD. with these things in considerations. BUT if all you care about is a fox wifu and not the game and the fact that even hilichurls built right might do more dmg than electro, go ahead and wish on her.

  10. I don't know why people so much worry about DMG.
    It shows that people have not played any rpg games before .
    In Genshin , every ch meant to 36 star the abyss . Only difference is that some chrs lets you do that with less investment.
    The point is if you truly love a ch , you will automatically invest in it , it doesn't matter how much time and resources it take.
    Everybody says amber is bad . But look at amber mains ding 40k DMG .
    You prove me that you cannot 36 star a abyss with 40k DMG charged shots .
    The point is choose ch based on what chrs you already have, gameplay and design .


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