Is Genshin Impact Finally Dead?

Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast


32 thoughts on “GENSHIN IMPACT IS FINALLY DEAD? | Tectone Reacts”

  1. Wouldn't be so bad if they had more co op content to play. I don't play online to play solo to be very blunt. If your game mandates me to be dependent on the internet I better be having more people to play with not just infinite solo loop and then if it loses internet connection I cannot play it, that is absolute bullshit. Lastly Tectone that beard is cool as heck nicely done dude.

  2. If it's really true then the company must be trying to go bankrupt and doing everything they can to Market this game and try to save it with all the YouTube sponsors and ads man I missed when we all went crazy over raid Shadow Legends sponsors now we have to deal with this freaking doo doo anime game this game better be dead I don't want to see it again

  3. this guy is okay on the beginning to mid fair points he saying but when hes goin at the end hes getting cringe and dramatic tbh it is what it is people come and go in any games its just what it is specially in gacha.
    note: if ur not the target audience demographic of the games you should know at least what getting into. just like i said it is what it is. some people will stay in genshin for many years to come until it shuts down and i am one of them coz i like the game for what it is.

  4. For Fuck Sake there is nothing wrong with the game its a awesome game can y'all just stop blaming the game and blame the fandom i only play cause i love the game so much but i just ignore the community is it that hard?!!

  5. Genshin will never die, even in its lackluster updates it has more player than hsr honeymoon phase. Jst cuz u hate it or dont play it dosent make the game dead, at this point everyone knows ur jst milking genshin ir u jst mad that everyone is nit jating genshin like u.

  6. I don't have a patience anymore for Genshin and farming it all so tedious, on the other Hand I enjoy Star rails combat so much that farming is funny to watch as the enemies just die instantly

  7. The kinds of players that will always be satisfied are ones like me who dont care about the abyss. As long as a new character is visually appealing or interesting, im happy, and i love the archon quests and exploring more than anything

  8. you know what tectonic I fell you are the ugly truth that no one's wanna hear it, but this is the truth.. take it to leave it, I love genshin soooo much but everything gonna happened from along time make me disappointed, maybe I didn't agree with the way when you said that but I know it's the truth in somehow, so If I agree or disagree I respect you because you said the truth.

  9. Just a competent game engine on mobile for Honkai Star Rail thanks. It looks really bad, considerably worse than Genshin. Also a console release. Also Hoyo enable game pads for Genshin on mobile so I don't have to use the horrible touch mechanics and or install a horrible mapper. Thanks. I was so disappointed after getting a backbone to play Genshin only to learn that game pads are not supported. Gamepad mapping apps are mostly really bad and ask for questionable access to data on you device (no thank you). Combination of both BP and Welkin Moon are for me at least the best way to experience the game for $23 a month it buffers my resources to reasonably invest in a new limited 5 star every second patch (that's if I lose every 50/50) without having to 100% the map and story content. He could be onto something there though. By trivialising combat with dendro reactions it's sucked the enjoyment out. Accompany that with putting all the time waisting mechanics in the spiral abyss (Whopper Flowers, Dorito Bots, Shields, Weanut). I can definitely see why people see it as a chore. You built a game with 50+ characters then make an element and units that power creep every other unit and element in the game to the point where people do just run two bloom teams on both sides of the abyss. The current abyss might be a symptom of how much Dendro has power crept combat. To the point where in your Nilou, Alhaithem, Nahida teams everything dies immediately unless there's some form of time wasting.

  10. The point in 3:01 is actually so observable I hate the fuck that it's existing even though it might look like a little thing. As much as I disagree with or atmost hate Tec's guts and takes even though some are arguably just plain or savage cold truths, points like these make me want to keep following him. But yeah I agree the community is so hypocritical a lot when things happen that they don't like about the game and the players playing it alongside them, but I guess it's just everyone playing a game they adore. Thankfully I don't engage with the community itself and just play the game.

    Another point really well done that I could 99% agree with is at 10:00. "Wasting your life" on playing games just to have fun when everyday it feels like you're stressed out about certain things is definitely not wasting your life. Shit, I've seen way too many people creating memories with other people and the game itself resulting in a positive thing that also affected their life a lot by just playing games. But then again we're (assuming also Tec and people) not saying that playing games to pass the time and your life should be glorified and that doing other meaningful activities like working out, exploring other hobbies, or chilling out with your friends and families should also be kept in check.

    There's a lot of good reactions and points that Teccy made about the video, glad I watched it. It's one of the nicer videos about Genshin that he made and it implies that he still shares the same passion as some of the players that still love it albeit just lesser. Regardless, I still love and hate him both for what he is but mostly in a positive way.

  11. Imagine still grinding genshin for primos to get new characters to play over the same type of endgame content that isn't good and is just a dmg check and no show if skill

    Genshin isn't fun
    And it's commissions are boring but try to keep free to play players active every day…resin is too little making farming annoying…abyss is just a bullet sponge dmg check
    Most quest aren't voiced and is about npcs dogs lookin for their long lost cousin which definitely adds to genshi🤡

    Also game devs don't listen
    Game just a toxic waste lol

    Used to be my favorite game now I can't bring myself to opening the game

  12. genshin players are literally a cult. ''omg dont say anything bad about my game.'' the same game that hasnt updated the battle pass and added anything new in almost 3 years? LOLOLOL

  13. Oh yeah I remember seeing this when it came out and made a comment on it. IMO his video is kinda cringe, but I get what he’s doing or like how he’s trying to make this video “wholesome”.

  14. "raiden and cyno don't work together blah blah it's not meta" I don't care, I love them both and I'd like to see both of their cute faces while I play >:0


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