YOU Win Free Primos.. IF You Can Beat My Challenge | Genshin Impact

►Check me out on Twitch 🙂 Streaming Genshin & more all the time! ►

► It’s time for Eakes’ Holiday Special. Giving out free primogems, gift subs and welkin moons to the community! BUT ONLY if you can pass my challenge.. Genshin anniversary got some competition. We held a best build, funniest build and best f2p friendly build competition that I reviewed for my twitch chat. We popped into people’s Genshin worlds and Twitch streams like Santa down the chimney bringing gacha joy. Every year I love giving back to my community in a fun way, so enjoy the video and happy holidays everyone!

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► Songs used! I do not own any of this music.

#GenshinImpact #Genshin #EakesTV


36 thoughts on “YOU Win Free Primos.. IF You Can Beat My Challenge | Genshin Impact”

  1. Did you spot in the vid how to win some primos? 👀 sorry about the ever so slightly scuffed mic in this vid, windows did some setting changes like the cuck it is. NEW VID FRIDAY TOO! Happy Holidays everyone, ya'll the goats <3

  2. HEYYY EAKS I LOVE YOUR CONTENT SO MUCH IVE BEEN WATCHING YOU FOR A YEAR NOW THE CHIORI IS BEAUTIFUL (best character in game) #SubToEaks I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the stream I’ve been working so much tis the season and MERRY CHRISTMAS
    UID: 641507301

    (UID: 662335257)
    (Server: America)
    This is both my first time commenting on anything and owning a welkin since my almost 3 years of playing Genshin Impact. I am truly a f2p of all time.
    Anyways I can't help but feel happy about you spreading joy around the Genshin community by gifting generosity this holiday. You made both my day and others with this amazing giveaway. I've been watching you since you had 50k subs, not an OG fan but I'm glad I was apart of your YouTube journey to the road of 100k subs by the end of this year. Happy holidays to you and to everyone. Hope you reach your goal and hope everyone wins their 50/50s, l'm going for the goat Ganyu. Thank you for this and love your vids, they're always awesome and fun to watch.

  4. This video was SO MUCH fun! Not going to join the giveaway because there's plenty who I think are more deserving and would be more appreciative, but thank you for being so generous Eakes! Enjoy the rest of 2024 everyone!

    Uid – 680311864
    Server – America

    I really hope I can get a Kokomi and Furina soon! And also hope Youtube doesn't delete my comment again I feel bad for spamming… But happy holidays guys. I hope no one felt alone this Christmas. ❤

  6. Hello Mr. Eakes, i would like to bring your attention to how i found you. i was actually searching for Ekans pokemon routes in leaf green and I accidently typed out eakes and found your channel. I have been a fan ever since. Thanks for listening. #SUB2EAKS uid: 836881688

  7. Why do your videos have to end? You’re so entertaining! You crack me up! Your clothing is spectacular! And we’re both chiori mains ❤ this is my second viewing of this video already. PS. I do not have wolf’s gravestone 😢 the gacha gods have never smiled upon me… C5 Mona and R3 Aquila Favonia tho…

  8. I have both Wolfs Gravestone and Primodial Jade Winged-Spear. I even got three copies of Skyward Pride (Idiot me 2 Years ago merged them ) and one Skyward Blade. All of them I got through the Standard Wish. I got more 5 Star Weapons than 5 star Characters from there. To this Day I dont have Tighnari or Keqing. I just got Mona recently, when I pulled for Zhongli. XD


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