In this video, we take a look at who most of the people in Teyvat think grants visions. I hope you enjoy the video
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Yu-Peng Chen @ HOYO-MiX
#GenshinImpact #Lore #CatWithBlueHat
I think vision depends on will power of characters, and I think Gods can temporarily stop vision working. But idk how vision give certain elements to certain PPL
I'm not so sure about Beidou because she could be referring to the fact that most people believe Archons grant them
Xiangling be like the gods like my cooking
Gouba be like bruh i did
Although this theory is perfectly fine about the Archon's not granting the vision, we cannot be sure of it.
In the Archon quest when Ei and Yae are speaking, Yae says that her people need Ei grace/gaze (id remember). And to this Ei replies, "You mean visions? Human life is already short, so why would I shorten it more?"
Plus in her voice overs, we never know if the sentence is spoken by Ei or the puppet.
This is just an argument I would like to put forth, I am not denying the initially mentioned theory.
Barabara~! Mina GAMBATTE NEEEEEE!!!!
I give visions
I think the Raiden dialog means that since she's a puppet, she has no control on that matter. It is known that raiden/ei's lines change drastically when one or the other is the speaker, and that line is definitely the puppet, not ei's voice.
Klee: I'll say thanks to Barbatos by showing that I have the freedom to blow up as many fish as I want!
Venti, who didn't give her a vision but is getting his cider ready to watch the mayhem: cheers I'll drink to that, sis
the answer is simple: have you seen madoka magica?
We shall witness gorou continue the geo vision slandering by geo vision users themselves
Sometimes I still doubt that archons didn't take a part in vision granting
Some pointed that celestia gave the visions
Some because the people ambitions
If it's all about celestia then why kaeya have a vision ? (whom he is actually a khaenriah that celestia hate most)
If ambitions then why some people with burning ambition, didn't have a visions?
(Such as Ella musk with her ambitions with hillichurls and other people too, if traveler counted too)
Instead someone with low ambitions having a visions (ex : Lisa)
Well we have long story to go, and maybe some plot twist will happen
Raiden Shogun spicing up the lore, naturally. She is such a great and mysterious character
Ei puppet think that she cannot grant vision but if Ei comes out she can grant vision its that simple
But other aspects can also grant vision
Who gives vision?
The is answer is : M I H O Y O
It is not necessarily a contradiction. Raiden says it is not by her will, that a vision is granted or denied. She doesn't say how the actual process of giving it out works. Maybe there is a yet unknown instance that decides who is worthy of a vision and it is the archon's responsibility to carry out that will… She even states that there is another side to it. Ei even goes so far to argue a vision might not be a good thing at all for a mortal bearer…
Don't forget that only 7 Gods remains in Teyvat since the archon war. So its means Gods are the archons
While mona….
In Ganyuu profile, it is said that her vision comes suddenly on her waist. Is it really given or just appear out of nowhere.
You don't need to decipher that hard, it's the developers who gave them visions.
Kiddin aside, the main reason is their persistence and passion to achieve a certain dream that will meet the criteria of a certain element.
How to determine the criteria of certain elements? Admiration, Rage, Terror, Vigilance, Amazement, Ecstasy, Grief.
Anemo for Admiration, Geo for Rage, Electro for Terror, Dendro for Vigilance, Hydro for Amazement, Pyro for Ecstasy, Cryo for Grief.
Do Noelle and Albedo have uncontrollable anger because Geo is the rage? I, myself didn't know their emotions but there's a one-word right.
Both of them always do things uncontrollably. It's not that the whole meaning of the word itself is their primary physiological emotion.
it is to meet certain criteria for that certain emotion of a certain element.
Genshin is Alicization which is part of a certain bubble universe that is parallel to a certain world where a certain Herrscher that will destroy the universe existed.
A certain character in this bubble universe will rise and fight a certain Herscherr that is parallel to a certain world. Damn you Otto, it's hard to explain.
It's pretty clear that whatever the Twins are, they can interact with visions at the very least. It's possible their kind, these Celestials grant visions.
3 of them couldn't gave vision but celestia itself
Something interesting: Venti has a fake Vision, if he truly could grant Anemo Visions, he wouldn't need to forge one.
There are two things I'm fairly sure about the gods don't grant visions and the gods are 'afraid' of someone, most likely that god that appeared in the opening cut sence.
have anyone heard albedo's voice lines about the vision?
he says he will uncover it secrets
i really want to see what will happen and how will the "gods" react to this
Maybe how someone can get a vision is when they have a very big ambition, they get recognized by celestia and get their vision based on what their ambition is closest to?What I mean by 'closest to' is the archons ideal. In here the archons don't get to pick who gets their vision, instead it's celestia who picks it.
Or maybe they get their vision when an archon gives them their "divine gaze", and the celestia above will think about granting them a vision or deny them? (based on Yae Mikos line and Eis line. "your divine gaze" "you mean visions? " and "not by my will that visions are granted or denied")
Just want to get my theories out and my head clear lmaoo
I think of it as a way that the Archons choose who they believe in / who they want to give the visions to, and Celestia grants it or denies it, so in the end it's Celestia who chooses who to give. (Barbatos gives anemo visions and Morax gives Geo etc.) Because Raiden Shogun hasn't give out any visions for a year cus of the vision hunt decree, it can't be a coincidence that Celestia decided to not give any Electro visions for a year too. In the end it's all just my theory. Thx for reading! ^^
zhongli is also surprised by what a vision is like if I recall well. I think he has some line about them .
but yeah I think that belief is misguided, since even before Raiden it felt Celestia was the one giving them.