#SummertimeOdyssey #Persikov #Part6 #FullStory
After all mirage stories have been completed, the whole group went back to the island where the Fatui machine is stationed and they meet the Fatui Researcher Persikov once again. You got into a quick confrontation until you decided to help him fix the problem regarding his research in the Summer Islands. This includes the quest to find all the missing Crystalline Cores, plus a surprise introduction of that Little Girl’s voice that was heard on the Dodocommunication device (is she the Dendro Archon Nahida/Lesser Lord Kusanali as Sumeru Teaser?). This is the sixth and final part (Part 6/Part VI) of the Summertime Odyssey questline for Version 2.8, a full story version recorded in HD quality. This specific story is also titled “Like Rhyme And Song, The Summer Reverie”.
TAGS: Summertime Odyssey, Part 6, Part VI, Full Story, HD, Final, Like Rhyme And Song, The Summer Reverie, Nahida, Dendro Archon, Version 2.8, Noxxis Gaming, Noxxis Genshin, Genshin Impact
Compliments to this English man speaking like a Russian or this Russian man speaking English (I look up who it is)
Bruh the first fatui guy sounds like Jerma LMAO
26:52 that confirms it! It was definitely the Dendro Archon Kusanali. Her elemental symbol just appeared, It turns out she has the power of telepathy and to project herself onto other animals. The power of the mind and life really fits her abilities.
Let's take the moment to appreciate how much effort he puts into his content for us
I think that Venti DOES in fact know something, cause never once was it specified that the mysterious voice belonged to a girl, but yet he just came right out and said "She" as if he is hiding something.
why must this event end now 😭😭😭😭
My small theory that Kusanali used a power to communicate animals, even boats from the first part of the story..
I half-expected the guy to say "Gollum" next
bro the dendro archon is terrifying
24:49 Ningguang: I sense a disturbance in the force…
Broken character fischl is my favorite character
The voice look like amai odayaka
/4:46 lmao when thingss dont work out kazuha just start throwing hands
Usually characters based off of honkai characters take inspiration from two characters not just one. Example being Ei is based off of herrscher Mei plus Doctor Mei, so by the way they word everthing. Kusanali is Teresa plus the Herrscher of Sentience? Either that or the machines power is based off of a different god and the wording is a bit more specific in another language when she says she sensed a power that had something to do with her.
If that's the combo they're going with it's a pretty interesting one, either way I really liked this event, it was fun. 😁
1:07 I love how she says it in a valley girl accent
This is the time when I noticed a little dendro burst
So Kazuha just needs to throw me on the ground to keep my brain working. Excellent.
Q: "Meet in another place"… But when, and where?
A: A few more weeks in Sumeru, after a livestream, a patch and some Apologems.
Did they say The Fatui machine mirrors the powers of Dream-God…………😱
Me who knows Xiao’s backstory…
Venti hears this about fatui using something to mirror a Dream-like God…
“Oh 🤬! Whatever you do don’t tell Zhongli about this!”
Zhongli ultimately learns of this in a passing comment in Liyue (blame Paimon) immediately goes to Xiao and hugs his son.
“Master Rex!—what are you?”
“No! You are not leaving my side Xiao!”
He see’s the Traveler and Paimon heading his way in worry. Zhongli creates stone ear muffs over Xiao’s ears: “TRAVELER PAIMON SAY NOTHING!”
Me who knows Xiao’s backstory regarding dreams and Dream powered gods…
Xiao unnervingly calm but Karama is pulsating around him as Venti plays the Dihua like his own life depends on it!
“Traveler….Paimon….What’s this I hear about the Fatui harnessing the power of a god to mirror dreams?“
Zhongli holding him back by his shirt with minimal effort as he’s sipping tea.
“No Xiao. I can and will put my foot down on this one.”
4:46 ngl I started falling for kazuha there. Idk I just feel like he must be really strong to pick up and throw a whole grown adult 💀
Wait… so the mirages are from the Dendro God rather than the Fatui machine?
1:07 "What a drunkard, hmph🙄😭"
23:34 Am I the only one thinking that Venti didn’t just mean the current summer island trip?
funny how the fatui are voiced in the conch but when traveller talk to them it's all just text dialogue
Thanks buddy that puzzle solving was helpful for me