Scaramouche Is The Only One With These Constellations & Passives! | Genshin Impact Leaks October 24, 2022 by H.A Gaming Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn #genshinimpact,#genshinleaks,#scaramouche,#원신,#原神,#原神 source
I wonder if that new plunge set will work with Xiao or be better by a good margin than what we currently have Reply
Cryo increase Crit Rate…GARamouche+Qiqi might be a good ideaI have been a GARamouche wanter since the first days he showed up Reply
Well since playable scara name is wanderer and he have anemo vision, does that mean he is gonna be "anemo traveler" ? No pun intended xD Reply
I dont see any reason to pull if you already have kazuha. Anemo character is becoming redundant. Reply
I'm listening to multiple leaks and I might start getting refinements on the solar pearl if he is a normal atk dps. But I'll farm the echoes set cause i need it for another character. Reply
Getting him
Cyno c1 the same as scaramouche ngl
BRUH another Xao Buff
Wow 😲! He's totally different from previous characters
Well this passive really seems broken!!
Definitely getting him
This will make Ayato a hyperbloom supportive character.
Yoimiya buff
We can move in mid air, wowwww !😲
Buying a coffin to wait for yae's best in slot 4 piece set.
The stamina thing means he is a press attack heavy champion like keqing
Wow that arti set appears to be very good on hu tao and xiao possibly even itto
all I need to know is where to farm his mats cause i’m already sold 😂
Awh so an EM NA or charge attack character. This is interesting, he could do ton of damage
Dammmmm I’m so happy I’m skipping 3.2
I wonder if that new plunge set will work with Xiao or be better by a good margin than what we currently have
Can he infuse multiple elements?
Is that new artifact set for ganyu……..?
Damn i wonder if the attack speed set would work on yoimiya
Increase stamina? Why not increase HP? Like yelan c4
hmm if that artifacts is real boy my yanfei is gonna get a good upgrade ha ha
Cryo increase Crit Rate…
GARamouche+Qiqi might be a good idea
I have been a GARamouche wanter since the first days he showed up
Unique..totally gonna pull for him
Well since playable scara name is wanderer and he have anemo vision, does that mean he is gonna be "anemo traveler" ? No pun intended xD
Sounds nice for ningguang lol
I dont believe this kind of leaks before the beta since shenhe's leaked dps kit
I dont see any reason to pull if you already have kazuha. Anemo character is becoming redundant.
Is he a Support or DPS?
Me looking at the new artifact set: I GOTTA FARM FOR GANYU AGAIN?
I'm listening to multiple leaks and I might start getting refinements on the solar pearl if he is a normal atk dps. But I'll farm the echoes set cause i need it for another character.