Why The Golden Apple Archipelago is Temporary (Genshin Impact Discussion)

In this video I discuss potential reasons for why Genshin Impact’s new are introduced in 1.6 is only available for a limited amount of time.

Intro: 0:00
Exclusivity: 0:52
Repurposing: 2:35
Storage: 4:31
Support: 5:30
Area Diversity: 6:18
Potential Fix: 7:14
#Genshin #GenshinImpact


46 thoughts on “Why The Golden Apple Archipelago is Temporary (Genshin Impact Discussion)”

  1. I liked this video, but let's be honest. THE ONLY REASON why miHoYo is getting rid of the islands after 1.6 is for the exclusivity, which in my opinion, is pretty scummy. Feel free to disagree though.

    There's something you forgot to mention: The PC Version is only 28GB if you got all language files installed, otherwise it's only about 18GB-19GB with one language file.

    Now I've seen a lot of people talk about the "Storage issue". And the truth is:
    It's not an issue at all.

    That was the TLDR, here's the long version:
    – Upgrading the storage of mobile devices is much easier than doing on PC or Console, swapping an SD Card take about $5-$10 and 30 seconds. While swapping a SSD or Hard drive is in the complete opposite end of the spectrum, more expensive, and takes more time.

    – Even if you're using (god forbid) a phone without expandable storage, low end phones ($150-$200) that can't even handle Genshin in the first place have 64+GB of Internal Storage. Good phones are getting cheaper, not only that, high speed internet connections are also getting more accessible and cheaper as well.

    – Lastly… You probably heard about DLCs, right? Yea, they are in Genshin Impact too, in the form of language files. Considering that the GAA is in an entire separate map, they could easily add that region in the form of DLC. Storage issues solved, this is a much better solution to the one proposed at 7:32.
    This solution could even be implemented for regions inside main map as well, by using the world borders. It doesn't make a ton of sense for a AR2 player to have Inazhuma, or even Liyue installed on their phones.

    This feature would be great because it would lower the barrier of entry even further, and by that I mean, it is easier and faster for new players to download and start playing, if they only have to download, let's say… 6GB or 7GB instead of 10GB.

  2. I still have Dragonspine unexplored on more than half of my accounts so it's still very useful. This sort of "do it once and never return" issue doesn't exist if you realize you can start a new game just like in anything else, once you have beaten it the first time. It's just a bit more inconvenient to do so than usual because you need to prepare those accounts in advance and redeem codes/claim mails if you want more primogems on them. Given the lack of content if people seriously want to play Genshin then additional accounts is the only way to do so right now.

  3. I really think they could solve the memory problems by making the regions dlcs and have the option to uninstall the regions that aren't relevant to you anymore (given that the archon quests in the region are done)

  4. It should be pretty obvious with these points why mihoyo does these kind of things. But, I would still rather blame the community itself "expecting" unrealistic standards and then getting upset because they didn't get what they wanted. Yes, people can't all be pleased, but saying that you have already low expectations and still think its disappointing means you're still expecting so much out of them. Everyone can give whatever justification whether it is easy to implement or not, but if they really intended to do so, they would've already done it. Events are meant to be time-limited and none of us can do anything about it. It's all going to fall back again to the usual "Genshin dead game, no content" complaints again whether or not we get permanent stuff or not.

  5. Yeah before they came out that they were temporary I was sad bc I had gotten tired of the map and was exited to get new stuff
    But after having played through it I understood that there wouldnt be any reason to return to it after the even and it would only make the game feel more empty and clunky
    If all goes well inazuma will come out soon and we will have our map extention

  6. It feels bad to remove these really cool quests so new people will never get to play it. At first I thought that it would just be an event area like windbloom festival.

    The cutscenes on YouTube is a good argument, but this event is so good, I really want people to play it!

  7. Thanks for another great video Red! I've seen discussions circulating about the archipelago, but it's often just passing remarks on Twitter so it's nice to be able to get a comprehensive summary of certain topics in a video 🙂 Cheers 😀

  8. the islands and dragonspine are simply too small there's no way thise island can be permanently there. if dragonspine was bigger and wasn't so anti exploration (sheer cold, so much mountains) i think the islands was just a preview for inazuma too

  9. My current working theory for the archipelago is that it's essentially a test run for inazuma. We're getting bits and pieces of the inazuma lore, a new boss for ascension materials (presumably released in inazuma as well) as well as the new specialty, likely to also be from inazuma. It's also a way for the players to have another taste at a mondstadt festival (ludi harpistum) while not being confined to mondstadt itself. Plus the new character interactions during the downtime after acts 3 and 4 could be a nod to the companion feature in teapot and an effort to keep all playable characters relevant (especially albedo LOL). And, during the survey of this patch, I'm sure Mihoyo will see what other things they need to tweak for inazuma or incorporate from the archipelago to make the inazuma drop satisfying for the players.

  10. The place can be temporary imo because the lore is just a fun bit and doesn't particularly develop the characters and story. The only bit is that we know Alice knows us but I doubt she will be featured in the near future to make any significant impact on the characters lore.

    However events such as Unreconciled Stars should be a permanent story because of so much lore involved including our MC meeting Fischl for the first time and intro to another harbingers. Even the gliding story add a bit to the lore.

  11. also lore wise, dragonspine has a lot of lore building and in-world history to it but the islands don't really have that its just a vacation spot created by Alice for Klee, yes it has some ruins and lore to it but it is mostly well wrapped up and doesn't have any big strings tying it to the overall story of teyvat and celestia

  12. The whole island isn't that difficult to make. I mean it's mostly bunch of rocks with random spawns inside them. Most of work must have went into event and cutscenes, new mechanics as well. Which is something almost every major event contained already.

  13. Think as developer here, they saw that player abandon dragonspine. New player also rarely go to dragospine so developer will think people will abandon the island because they not enough content. New area cost storage and have risk of bug in the future so they removing it

  14. Random tidbit I realized when equipping the bombs for the last part of the event, while the bombs have expiration timers on them, the boat repair kit doesn't which leads me to believe that they plan on reusing the boat down the line.

  15. Honestly I'm fine with it not being permanent just a little sad since i didn't get to do all the quests get all the chest etc because i dont like speedrunning areas like dragonspine i just do it when i want to do it plus my laptop broke and playing on mobile sucks so even if i wanted to do everything i couldn't 🙁

  16. I think the GAA (Golden Apple Archipelago) is also being used as a test to see what the fanbase enjoy in new areas. The GAA had alot of lore thrown onto it with murals, the location of the islands, passing-comments of how parts of it were from Mondstadt.

    I think lore is something Mihoyo is also considering when making new places since so much of the genshin community adore it

  17. The Golden Apple Archipelago is not comparable to Dragonspine, because Dragonspine was a missing part of Mondstadt's map that wasn't finished yet when the game released. It had a delayed release in 1.2 and from then on became, as it was always itended, one of the 5 Mondstadt regions. The Archipelago is not a region of Mondstadt or Liyue and only event content. All event content so far has been temporary.

  18. I will provide two reasons, one from the lore perspective and another from a developer's perspective.
    Lore wise, these islands never existed in the first place, they were long forgotten as Venti mentioned and therefore it is not a canon place, to begin with. As for Dragonspine, it has always been one of the major parts of Monstadt. We knew for a long time that a certain alchemist, also a knight of favonious, spends most of the time there, often researching and sometimes painting in his leisurely time. This and the whole history of Durin vs Dvalin fight, people of Dragonspine revolting against Celestia, etc leaves a tale yet to be told, so we are still yet to uncover the whole secret of Dragonspine, and I believe we will get a follow-up story quest when Albedo banner returns, we may even get a new boss in the form of Durin, much like how we got Azdaha. On the other hand, this archipelago has no history behind it, sure there were some survivors who crashed on these islands, and with the world quests, we know they successfully escaped too, so there is no hint of mystery and it's evident it has something to do with Inazuma so they will answer all those leftover small questions during Inazuma quest. Not to mention Alice made it a playground for Klee because it had no real danger and was long inhabited, It is also possible Albedo or Varka have already been there before and did their research and might have spent years developing the mechanisms behind the island, placing down those navigation torches and even Venti(or Alice, as both of them, are comparable in strength) might have also helped in putting down those teleport waypoints. It was just a picnic spot that came out of nowhere and will disappear just like that.
    From the developer's perspective, this whole update was a global beta test for the upcoming Inazuma islands, as they tested how the system of the whole island will work, including traversal through the boat, boat waypoints, etc. They had a lot of time to smoothen out Monstadt and Liyue, as it passed out through multiple closed and open beta tests. But as for Inazuma, they have to be very careful because it will be the next nation, and hence players will have more expectations and aspirations from it especially when one of the most beloved CBT characters, Ayaka, will finally be coming into the game. Not to mention this will be the first region with very little land more water, in complete contrast to Monstadt or Liyue. Also, they won't delete the whole assets of the islands from the game, they might even build the Inazuma islands based on those assets. It also helps in reducing the download size of Inazuma, which is certainly very helpful especially for mobile players who make up most of the game's demographic.
    That's why it makes sense why they made this region temporary.

  19. I really don't care much about the landscape of the archipelagos not being permanent, but the story's should at least have a replay cutscenes mechanic since some of these event hold lore points such as the "Stars are a lie" thing that Scaramuche says at the end of the Fischl event. I know you can always go to youtube and search videos about the event, but this isn't the perfect solution for a serie of reasons. This is my opnion at least.

  20. The thing is it's supposed to an island with nothing on it and the people who were trapped there (escaped) it.
    So it makes sense that it's literally empty after all the quests…
    We're not supposed to stay to begin with

  21. I'm basically already done in the archipelago, and already don't really go back, so I definitely think it'd be as dead as dragonspine after the event

  22. Kinda unrelated but I'm like super sad that there's nothing to do in Dragonspine anymore, I love the area and atmosphere there but…what am I supposed to do there besides farm Fatui Badges anymore

  23. Not to play devils advocate but if they're removing the island, they better add new stuff (new chest, puzzles, side quest, events, etc) when it comes back. If they don't, I rather it be a dead place than a huge let down for old players.


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