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A hot anime girl goes on an adventure to Japan 2 to find more hot anime girls. There’s also a lot of money to find on the way, so buckle up because we’re traveling to the deep deep roots of a Genshin Impact player’s brain. This video will make you question either my sanity, or my own.
Thank you @FootballHead for making basicall all of my art. You can check him out on Twitter @Football_Head2
If you super enjoyed the video, consider becoming a member for $5 a month for emotes and other benefits. We also now have a Lorenzcopter Member Badge, so take that information as you will. Here’s a link for those interested.
And a big thank you to my current members:
Insanity’s Prophet
Deep Winter
Quantum Strike
If you are a member, and you don’t have the specific discord role for Super or Transcendent Gamer, be sure to let one of my discord mods know and we’ll sort it out.
Tales of Berseria – Run into the Horizon
Undertale – It’s Showtime
Fire Emblem Three Houses – Fodlan Winds
YS 8 Lacrimosa of Dana – Sunshine Coastline
FE3H – A Gentle Breeze
Persona 5 – Blooming Villain
Xenoblade Chronicles (Future Connected) – Time to Fight
Super Mario Odyssey – Fossil Falls
Xenoblade Chronicles – Crisis
LoZ The Wind Waker – Ocean Theme
Ys Origin – Samsara and Paramnesia
Super Mario Bros. 3 – Ground Theme
Ys 8 – Gens d’Armes
Persona 4 – Like a Dream come True
Persona 4 Dancing – Specialist
LoZ Skyward Sword – Danger
Hollow Knight – Radiance
Loz Skyward Sword – Final Ghirahim Battle
Undertale – Game Over Theme
Smash Ultimate (Persona 4) – I’ll Face Myself
Thanks for watching, guys. I’ve really been liking making my content like this, so I hope you enjoy this style of video… This one took a lot of brain cells out of my brain so I hope you subscribe and probably follow my other social media and DOWNLOAD OPERA G… (dies)
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Also thanks a ton for watching this. I've been experimenting with a style of video that isn't my usual copy/paste exe video and I've been really happy with how my miitopia videos turned out, so I'm using that formula and bringing it to Genshin Impact… I know a lot of my subs are Nintendo fans and a lot of Nintendo fans don't like Genshin, but please understand that I like Genshin so yeah that is all.
Also in case you don't know it me SophisticatedEevee, I just changed my name and pfp lol
The grass caught me offguard🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I cant believe Nintendo did somethin only Epic Games would do, #NintendoIsOverParty
also for those who are wondering I am not a twitter user, so joke ruined :troll:
When the Thumbnail change booba sword to booba canone
Your humor slaps leaving a sub
Genshin 2.0 in an Nutshell:
I did not follow the dog to the treasure because I was just happy to release him.
1:44 is that a jojo reference
its a good thing im a kid playing this or else i would be in my parents house rn 0:09
its a good thing im a kid playing this or else i would be in astronomical debt rn 0:09
I fucking love the church bongg noise
fuck me the dialoge thing in genshin is so fucking enoying, for the love of god let me skip that boring shit and play your game LET ME PLAY YOUR GAME
I swear that Ayaka quest is so unnecessary long
I hate how well meme "what if it was purple?" pictures Inazuma xd
A testament to how little Sophist reads…
We have to go outside
4:39 that's actually Swedish, for some reason. so it wouldn't make sense to a Japanese person.
Yoimiya and others said 50 times fireworks…
That's more than how much Eula says vengeance
This video is more educational than my entire high school years.
Came here because the Thumbnail is so hilarious… 😂
"You utter fool, Inazuma science is the world's finest"
operagx is great i already had this 😀
everybody: fireworks
yanfei: PYROWORKS!!!!!!!
I love your comment videos
I still find it hilarious that “Kurisu” is just “Chris” pronounced by Japanese speakers and not many people got that.
all your videos have ys and xenoblade music and im here for it
Oh shit I didn't know the dog leads you to a chest
LOL 😂😂
yo viendo como demandan al tipo por insultar a Nintendo jajajja
Ur thumbnail is like:👁👄👁
That Bruh moment tho
Ayaka is sus tho….
POV: You are watching Opera GX ad on Opera GX
Xiangling, Sucrose, Xinyan, Hu Tao, Eula, Ei, Yanfei, Keqing, Ganyu, and so on best girl.:3
Reminder that Mihoyo is a Chinese company so you bet your ass they tried to lowkey portray Inazuma(Japan) as a bunch of assholes
anime not gAchA
That is exactly what i thought when i first saw thoma
I wish you could do mondstadt and liyue too youre so funny 😂
I was watching to video in opera gx is that a coincidence or was it meant to be
I could feel you spitting all over your mic during the ad
Was that PeanutYT 🥜?
This video: Cringe, needs MMD animation instead.
Spider works
6:02 WAIT WHAT? You tell me that now?
Pov:you watching a video from Opera GX
American bandit keith ygotas reference?🤔