The Tale of the Sumeru Cinnamon Roll | Genshin Impact Lore

Learning about one of my favorite characters in Genshin Impact, Collei!

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The Tale of the Sumeru Cinnamon Roll | Genshin Impact Lore

#GenshinImpact #Genshin #MurderofBirds


23 thoughts on “The Tale of the Sumeru Cinnamon Roll | Genshin Impact Lore”

  1. I was watching this while I was getting food in the cafeteria and I must have looked so weird because I was crying at the end with Culin Anber’s and Vision’s story

    “Master I have gotten stronger!”

  2. Collei thinking Shonen anime type content in light novels makes sense when you think about her past. She actually experienced having the evil powers of ancient gods coursing through her body, and she knows how traumatic it is. Also a common trope is the jaded, psychologically scarred protagonist who hates the world and feels emotionally dead inside. That's also something she experienced first hand.

    She looks back on these times as the darkest part of her life and is thankful every day that she doesn't have to go through it anymore. So when she sees those light novels treat it like something cool or fun or badass she's like, if you actually went through things like that you wouldn't talk about them that way.

  3. Aether? Rugged and manly? LOL what about Aether is rugged and manly? You aren't play Geralt of Rivia, lol. That's why I like playing Lumine as MC, so when She's called "cutie" or "little one", it fits.

  4. Its funny watching past Arnold praying for Amber Collei interactions knowing that Hoyo was loading up a gun labelled "introverts unite" with a bullet with Sucrose Collei carved into the side to shoot him with.

  5. I like how ppl read her Character Stories 1 and 2 and be like "Oh, Collie read Onibudou and remembered of her dark past, she tossed and turned thinking abt how her life changed for the better, and she doesn't need to have those thoughts anymore"

    Meanwhile me and the homies who get what she's feeling: "Oh, so you outgrew your chuuni phase and now cringes at those type of over the top sentences. I get you girl, i get you"


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