After Exclusive Interview with Hoyoverse we discuss Genshin Impact’s Descision to CANCEL ENDDGAME,NO RESINS & 3.3 Banner,Future REVERSE Info!

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0:00-Intro & 3.3 Future!
0:25-Vid Starts!

In This Video we talk about Genshin Impact’s Descision to CANCEL ENDDGAME,NO RESINS & 3.3 Banner,Future HOPES Info!

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Thumbnail Credits: Bruhslime

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Music-Cold Water BGM


33 thoughts on “ENDGAME News EMOTIONAL DAMAGE! & 3.3 LAST HOPE! | Genshin Impact”

  1. hm… pues si es algo triste que no habrá más modos de combate permanente, soy una jugadora casual, pero hasta yo esperaba algo no necesariamente más difícil que el abismo, pero si algo nuevo en donde probar a mis personajes. Y la resina… Ya me lo esperaba, que pena… aun así el juego sigue siendo bastante divertido para mí, que amo la historia y a los personajes en general.

  2. personally idc abt more endgame content cuz I'm too busy to play the regular content anyway. the resin tho….there are many new bosses now we NEED more resin or at least make the refresh time shorter it's not that hard

  3. I haven't been caring about Genshin for some time now

    No endgame content was something that I expected but still it is still kind of sad.

    I'm not as sad as I would be though since as I've said, I haven't cared about Genshin for some time, I barely explored Sumeru, I haven't done any of the events, leaks don't interest me, Spiral abyss?? What's that lol…

    I'm just playing for the archon quest and waifus and that's it, once I get Nilou I won't upgrade her much if any at all (there's no reason for me to do so), Nahida is a skip for me and I don't even remember who the rest of the V3.2 characters are.

    Genshin for me at least is just a side side game (not a typo).

    Glad to know that you're having fun though! 🙂

  4. I already knew that end game wasn’t gonna come but to hear from hoyoverse themselves, that shit really sucked. I’m not planning to quit since I still got some love for the game but I think I can finally stop caring about mid maxing or optimising my character builds

  5. The resin issue might go ahead and bite Hoyoverse in the ass somewhen in the future, maybe if they'll shorten the time needed for it to fill up then it wouldn't be much of a problem… but it would have to be a major reduction of time imo.

  6. For those players angry at this. Let us all start sabotaging Mihoyo projects until our demands our met.

    When Star rail and Zenless Zone Zero release. Review bomb those game until our demands are met.

  7. The whole “excessive anxiety” thing sounds goofy. I just got excessive anxiety from hearing that. Players aren’t obligated to do the spiral abyss of they don’t want to. It just removes motivation to farm for the best artifacts, get the best weapon, get higher constellations for characters, etc. I’m ok with mihoyo have the spiral abyss as the only endgame content, BUT I think they should expand on it. An idea would be to Extend the floors to floor 15, but a third team would be required to clear those floors. With the ever growing roster of characters it would make sense and it would motivate players to level up more characters.

  8. RIP those hard core players and end-game wanters but this show me that a lot players dont really understand the context. First of all the interviewer only asked about "what do you have in mind right now and do you discuss about these issues before at this moment" and they also answered that " right now we have this and we have that and we are going to do this in the future" some players dont even know that this sh*t can be changed whenever they hold a meeting and decide to change it in the future it can be 2 months 4 months or a year we dont know but they never said that this game will stay for 5 years and we will never change this system forever and we promise. lmao " they just said we dont have plan right now " CHILL As for my opinion i dont really care about this news because i dont care about min/max thing or end game content i just log in when banner drop and pull c0 chars for my collection, doing some quest when i have time and leave to do something else or play other games.

  9. I’m ar 59 and I still have troubles getting 33* abyss. I’ve many friends who doesn’t even play abyss (ar 57+ mostly) and none of them is Chinese lol. So I don’t need any other challenging system but I do understand the point of p2ws and some f2ps so I’m not against it either.

  10. THIS IS A STORY BASED GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THERE IS NO META HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE,IF YOU DONT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I love how basucally they said no to everything, are you going to chance resin, no, are you goijg to add endgame, no, travelers skins? No traveler accesories, either

  12. I just Hate how All the content creator have "NO MORE ENDGAME CONTENT" In their thumbnail
    This is just a simple rant and my Opinion but Ok
    Lemme say this for once, that Anxiety part is maybe for their CN audience as their CN players only have 1hr of playtime in weekends as it is their Law that just passed back in 2021to prevent Gaming Addicts XD so I think that's the reason they said that
    They said that they won't do ANOTHER spiral abyss but that doesn't mean they will not create endgame
    It will just not be in the type of Spiral Abbyss
    Spiral abyss is not the only endgame content in a game, there are so many form Endgame content can take. They didn't say anything about "They would never do any endgame" but hey said that they are exploring new ways/interesting gameplay for the long term
    People tend to scan a paragraph/sentence and just focus at the negative side whilst forgetting the other content of the same sentence
    This is a great example, they are focusing to that phrase of No other spiral abyss would be made…forgetting the other part of Experimenting new and Interesting gameplay.
    Not gonna Lie I am also sad but not in a point where I would stress out and quit just because of this… Sadge.

  13. you know what would make them to fix all there crap and give everything like more resing endgame and such would be is we all leave for a week I bet if that would happen they would give everything in a day just so player comeback but we as colective group can't funtion so we basicly going to be shafted till the game will die and these kind new are not great cuz they will be incresing primo, welkin, BP price on ios so basicly get fucked everyone and give them more money.

  14. 4:33 only him is "the best" other geo characters are locked only jun jin escape from it others are locked shitty reactions shitty artifact set and horrible team if you decide to go full geo you mind as well delete the other characters because they have no use for geo no ei no venti no xianling no bennet goona make geo better its just useless i am geo main myself and like fuck u can give 4 reactions to dendro but can't even fixe useless geo reaction

  15. I personally think a lot of people read and understood this article a lot different from me. So many content creators say "No Endgame for Genshin" when the devs literally said,
    "IF we design another type of permanent ENDGAME that is SIMILAR to the SPIRAL ABYSS"

    They in no point hinted nor said they will not create ANY combat related endgame content, just that data has shown majority of their players don't play Spiral Abyss and if they are to create another combat permanent endgame content it will not follow the same mechanics already exist in the spiral abyss. But everyone read it has "we have 0 plans for endgame" lmao..

    Honestly I think people are all just mentally children nowadays and can't control their emotions so that they can read and understand things clearly.


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