PICK THIS! BEST Liyue Lantern Rite FREE 4 Star Character | Genshin Impact

#GenshinImpact #Genshin #Yunjin
Genshin Impact Patch 2.4 FREE unit of your choice between Yunjin, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Beidou, Ningguang, and Chongyun in the new. Characters and Constellations for FREE! Who to PICK?

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Abyss Slayer Noelle: https://youtu.be/9rQU8gEPMys
Best Noelle Weapon?: https://youtu.be/8OJCNbWISpk
Rosaria Leaks: https://youtu.be/oJRAGvXfiGI
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28 thoughts on “PICK THIS! BEST Liyue Lantern Rite FREE 4 Star Character | Genshin Impact”

  1. So just curious, when characters like Keqing or Hu Tao use their alt to get elemental infusion, the attacks still count as normal attacks and such, correct?
    If so, Yun Jin is going to be big busted for a lot of teams out there

  2. Okay so I'm a new Genshin player (for a bit more than a week) but I've been following Genshin for quite a while now. Currently, I have Keqing, Itto, Xingqiu, Bennett, Kujou Sara, Xiangling (and, also the other characters that everybody has like Kaeya, Barbara…). I really don't know who to pick as a 4*. I was considering either Xingqiu, Ningguang, Yanfei or Yunjin. Since I got Xingqiu, I won't choose most probably, but that leaves us with Yanfei, Ningguang and Yunjin. Yanfei is a good pyro catalyst, and can be used as a main dps. Ningguang is good in a Geo team and I honestly don't really know for Yunjin but I really like her aesthetically so I would choose her only for that TT. What would people recommend me to choose?
    (Btw, my usual team is Keqing, Itto, Xingqiu/Kaeya/Bennett/Xiangling depending on the enemies. I also sometimes use Barbara for healing)

  3. This pick is going to come down to if I roll for Shenhe. If I do then easy I'm getting c6 Beidou. I have her crowned and use Beidou all the time so that would be exciting.

    But if I decide to skip Shenhe then I gotta go Yunjin. I might not use her and Beidou might be more valuable, and I may like Beidou more but I always feel like you gotta go with the new character over the constellations anyday. Plus at some point I'll either roll for Beidou or she will appear in the shop. If I picked Beidou over Yunjin then realized I actually really like Yujin I would feel so dumb

  4. btw I don't think bp spear weapon def% stays off the field so it's not going to help Yunjin buff at all since her buff is dynamic and do not snap shot (it also means you can use Gorou's buff after her buff) So only favonius weapon is good on her until we'll get def% spear. Yes that objectivly good spear you hate so much

  5. I really want Yun Jin but the thing is that I've not played for a very long time and still don't have that many characters that synergize well together. The characters outside of the free ones are jean (only 5star), Yanfei, bennet, fischl, noelle and xinyan. So I think imma go for xingqiu cus then i can have a really good vaporize team with xianling, bennet, xingqiu and probably jean for swirl. Until now I've been having fischl as main dps but as I'm pushing further into abyss i realize the downsides of her being only single target focused so i really want a good xiangling team. My team until now has been kaeya/ yanfei, bennet, fischl and jean. This team works fine but i really wanna use xiangling to her full potential once i manage to level up the catch

  6. I've finally built up my ninguang with 3 piece gladiator set and 2 piece Archiac petra now she does 15-20k burst damage so I'm wondering if i should give her the new set from the new domain


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