Just realize today that Noelle is underage lol | Genshin Impact


31 thoughts on “Just realize today that Noelle is underage lol | Genshin Impact”

  1. If you have English VO on then she's 18 cuz the drinking age is 21.

    For legal reasons i am obligated to tell you that i do not condone the use of this legal loophole.

  2. I dunno if this really says. It's a fair assumption though but depending on what part of the world you live in this is still rather grey.
    America has age of consent at 18 I believe, may differ state to state but the drinking age is 21 as far as I know.
    Europe has consent at 18 and drinking at 18 typically.

    End of the day I guess you can make your own guesses and assumptions, hoyoverse hasn't confirmed anything numerically so just use your best judgement.

  3. Man, ages in this game really make no sense whatsoever. The twins are apparently underage, yet they are powerful creatures that have been travelling between worlds for ages. How exactly their ages are even determined given they have apparently been in Teyvat for at least 500 years (one actively, one in coma) and seem to not even deem that unusual when seeing their sibling, is anybody's guess.


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