DPS SLOWDOWN! Kokomi vs Mona vs Diluc! Who's the WORST Main DPS?! Genshin Impact

A ridiculous Genshin Impact DPS Showdown / Slowdown between two non-DPS Hydro Catalyst users and an actual DPS character, Diluc. Find how WHO is the WEAKEST as a main DPS!

Shintenzu’s YouTube for top tier Diluc and Xiao play: https://www.youtube.com/c/Shintenzux/
My Discord: https://discord.gg/iwtl

0:00 | Intro
0:30 | Builds, Stuff, & More
4:40 | Poor Plant Friend
6:16 | Poor Lizard Friend
8:37 | Poor Puppet Friend
11:07 | Poor Actual Volunteer
13:55 | Poor Lizard Friend Nuked
15:28 | Poor Abyss 12-1-1
18:38 | Poor Abyss 12-2-1
20:31 | Poor Abyss 12-3-1
22:01 | Freeze Support Showcase
24:09 | Summary and Closing Statements

Genshin Impact 2.5 and 2.6 I guess.


39 thoughts on “DPS SLOWDOWN! Kokomi vs Mona vs Diluc! Who's the WORST Main DPS?! Genshin Impact”

  1. I appreciate the confession that Mona is clunky even for IWTL. She's my highest constellation 5-star but I do not enjoy her play style and struggle to get consistent damage from her, partially due to some RNG variables. She's never felt worth trying to optimize and this pretty much just confirmed it for me. Diluc, on the other hand, I still find very valuable. What he lacks in attack speed he makes up for over time with very low cooldowns. For those of us not able to one cycle every boss, his spammable skills and bursts are solid, and he brings a lot to the table with pyro. While he has been a victim of significant power creep, he's still a great early-mid game character, relatively easy to acquire resources, easy to build, and easy to play. That is sometimes worth the trade off for potentially a few more seconds on field. Kokomi is amazing, but unfortunately they have yet again timed her release between more valuable characters.

  2. the fact that kokomi is in this video is proof the community knows nothing about her or how good she is other that she cant crit and that automatically makes her "bad"

  3. Neta que ahora sí te pasaste de v3rga ganoparaperder, comparar a mi diluc con un support y ún healer, pero lo peor es que estos le ganan! Hoy cruzaste una línea muy grande😭

  4. Now that I’ve watched it, I don’t know with Mona as a main DPS you kinda have to want to do it, personally I prefer lost prayer on her than skyward atlas because you get better balanced stats and you don’t really gotta worry about the passive as much. But I’m very biased toward Mona because she is my favorite character.

    I don’t think I have the energy to farm for kokomi as much, I got her because the donut was sitting in my inventory mocking me everyday.

    I will say that I love these videos because ultimately we can play with who we wanna play as a main dps to be honest.

  5. As a Kokomi simp from day one when everyone was still hating on her, it's incredibly satisfying to watch her dumpster through these fights and outcompete these other two. You love to see it!

  6. in my opinion Mona feels really clunky when not played properly but as a Mona main myself you eventually start learning different techs to make her feel smoother and fast and eventually you learn a bunch of animation cancels and her gameplay starts to feel very smooth as a main DPS, especially in taser teams.

  7. As someone struggling with winning 50/50’s my diluc has held the position of Second team Main DPS (ever since picking up Eula) and I haven’t been able to let go of my strange combo of Eula, Zhongli, Fischl, Diluc. (Fire Fisch for the EM and Ice Fisch for Superconduct)

    These 4 are still serving me when in completing the story quests and daily/weekly farming

    Other than that, I’ve been drowning in artifact hell.

    (Oh and I’m building xingqiu and been fairly lucky with his build. Slowly.)

    Oh and a c6– ahem I mean c5 Benny who has busted dreadful luck with getting a good noblesse set.

    Diluc is my best Flame character and I’m feeling the dread each time I co-op hoping the trash talk won’t reach me (I’ve been lucky so far <3)

  8. It’s so crazy how people swore up and down when she came out that Kokomi was awful. She was really judged unfairly and I think part of it was people blowing off steam/taking their anger from the anni out on her (and her fans and her CN va too sadly).

    They knew 100% what they were doing when they designed and released Kokomi. And this just shows it.

    Also. Small edit. I do think that even though he’s fallen from the dps leaderboard, he’ll still put in the work if you still want to use him. You’ll just have to keep his flaws in mind and it’ll take a bit longer for you to notice results compared to more updated pyro dps’s

  9. For those of us wondering why EM sands was not used on Diluc:

    In the solo dmg comparison part, EM doesn't do anything. I personally don't see a point in comparing solo dmg since pyro chars are never meant to be played that way but that's a separate matter for another discussion.

    In the abyss part, I'm most certain his Kazuha is at least C2 which gives 200 EM so an EM sands is no longer as important as those who only have Kazuha at C0.

    One reason why I also personally do not take these videos seriously, which to be fair IWTL did say so himself is that there are too many other factors we can never always account for.

    In the chamber with all the elusive af flying rift hounds, Kokomi is at an advantage in that she is able to shoot from range, where as Diluc is forced to chase after them to close in at melee range, and is not always able to remain within Bennet's and Kazuha's field.


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