How to Get the MOST Damage Out of Your Builds | Genshin Impact

#genshin #genshinhelp #genshinbuild

HOPEFULLY this video isnt as confusing as I think it is for everyone and you guys can understand what all I mean. Either way I tried to put it in video form for you all.

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21 thoughts on “How to Get the MOST Damage Out of Your Builds | Genshin Impact”

  1. TLDW:

    1500 – 2k attk = 140 – 160 cdmg w/ ele dmg bonus goblet

    2k – 2500 attk = 160 – 200 cdmg roughly w/ ele dmg bonus goblet

    2.5k attk + = 200 cdmg + , w/ ele gob

    Some units have monstrous amounts of bonus damage % (xiao) and will allow you to opt into more attk%, as well as if you are running bennett the numbers change as well.

    TLDR of the TLDW:
    Test your artifacts and determine your own best build. 🏃‍♀️💨

  2. This make me realise that people are building xinyan wrong they are building def% sand( +there is no 5star crit stat claymore), they revome 20%atk from their build and wonder why she sucks

  3. Yeah I didn't get anything about what your baseline standard is for determining what a "balanced character " actually is. but I saw you pin comment and it makes a little more sense. I think you were trying to give examples of the baseline standards without laying out the criteria first.

  4. You’re the ONLY youtuber who understands how valuable attack is. Theres no way anyone else understand this and thats because you dont abuse/DEPEND on bennett and im the same way. It makes sense to avoid atk rolls if you’re using bennett but as someone who likes consistency and doesnt like depending on someone to do damage i welcome atk rolls.

  5. This is a great video, and I would suggest having more of this. I totally get why balancing stats is needed, but this also applies to the Crit stats. For perfect consistency, a 200 CD is only good if you have 100 CR. If you are going for a nuke to just end the abyss chamber faster then by all means stack CD, but you have to retry a lot to get that nuke off. I used to run 50/100 CR and CD but I have found the consistency of crit stats only comes at 70-80 CR and 140-60 CD. This is particularly true for loaded bursts like Eula and Raiden. Crit stats (especially Crit rate) is the most important stat, and very hard to get even from other members in the party, whereas ATK/EM/ER are all easier to get

  6. Have any thoughts on running any circlet other than crit on a dps? I had a cracked attack circlet, 4 roll with crit rate and damage and I ended up getting 10% rate 28% damage and it gives 46% to attack. Also had a hp crimson witch 3 starting stats ended up getting 3.9% rate and 33% damage. I was planning to get hu tao to test it out, but I have a 62% crit damage circlet w/ 16% hp and some crit rate as well. I think attack circlet only works well if you have a 5 star weapon but since I don’t have a homa was wondering if it’s worth getting a hp circlet.

  7. As someone who does the math this is the most optimal way to build a character
    1. Get to 110%-120% atk%(green number 1.1 to 1.2 times white number)
    2. Get your er to where it needs to be
    3. Build crit at a 1:2 ratio until you get around 400 crit value (crit rate *2 + crit damage) while investing a bit into em if your character uses it
    4. Invest the rest into attack/em

    This assumes no external buffs
    Basically except for cryo dps get to
    120% atk then invest fully into crit

  8. For Raiden I accidentally found out for my build that running Attack sands and goblet gave me the most damage. She is c0 with engulfing lighting has 2697 ATK, 49/125 crit ratio and 260 ER(290 after burst) and does 125k with 4pc VV shred and 20%noblesse. Which is 20k higher than what I was getting with Er sands/atk goblet or atk sands/electro goblet that did similar damage. Now I’m curious and want to experiment with giving my Ayaka attack sands and goblet since I have mist-splitter and her passive to cover for cryo damage. It’s just her cryo goblet essentially got perfect rolls with 27% crit damage so I feel it’s a waste not using it on her.


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