The Truth about the Genshin Impact Community


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42 thoughts on “The Truth about the Genshin Impact Community”

  1. I once made a deal with a person in coop where I helped them with a boss, and we do a boss together that I needed. After we did theirs, they kicked me.
    So yeah. Totally nice coop people.

  2. 0.01 May not sound allot but when u realize that there is a lot of Genshin Fan, yeah it get pretty high

    0.01 of 10 thoudand is fairly small but 0.01 out of like idk 100 millions people is pretty high. These kind of people is also the loudest

  3. I met 2 of those mfs one was just plain cursing at me and calling all my characters bad 💀 and one had a GENSHIN girlfriend that blocked him so he was rlly depressing and toxic 😭💀

  4. tbh thinking that Dehya's kit is alright is an outright lie. she's a 5 star, she shouldn't have the damage output of a 4 star character, one shot or multiple small numbers wise. with her synergy so limited you'd expect her to be a selfish dps like xiao and itto who's team comps are restricted. but 3.5 dehya is such a mess. a pyro character who can neither vape or burgeon properly. overload and mono pyro are her top teams and even then, they still can't help dehya reach 5 star dmg output.

    here's to hoping the new 3.6 sets will make her better but for some parts of the genshin community tolerating this terrible kit design, who knows when mhy will pull the same stunt again on another character you want. Dehya deserves a better kit, and that can't be achieved if they keep snorting copium.

  5. I have only had one bad Co-op experience: I joined (as Eula, my main at the time) and I walked in to some weird ass roleplay where they were being perverted towards a bunch of female characters they had, picking apart their features. They saw I joined as Eula, and asked me (Eula) to step on them 😟 Buncha weirdos, get a life.

  6. I mean after allot of genshin player went and review boomed allot of other apps and games and all the death threats and all that I am not so sure. It's wat always keeps me form playing the game. As most of the times I always hear of how the players are docking the artist and vas and others.

  7. People get so wild sometimes. If you love Dehya I support you, have fun. I don’t like her kit but having fun is what’s important. I mentioned once I didn’t like Childe’s kit and this girl acted like I came to her house and kicked her dog.

  8. When ayato first came out i said i really didn’t like his outfit at all. It was a fairly normal comment cuz let people have opinions ffs. I got death wishes and hate comments on it lol ( i do art in social media btw that’s why people spent their precious time on writing hate comments about me )

  9. i've been playing for 2 years now and never did i experienced goxic gamers in co-op. but they do exist though, in twitter mostly. that's were the cults gather to spread viruses in the community.

  10. True. There was a person who blocked me for just having a different opinion on a character they liked. They then proceeded to comment: "Ugh you like genshin impact. I know how toxic you genshin impact community can be. This isn't Twitter- go be toxic there." I literally just said they are a little sensitive because they are just seeing my comment negatively. Like that's why it's a platform. You can comment and I can't believe people are so sensitive and insensitive. I was literally blocked by this one person over a different opinion.

  11. I’m gonna be honest, the loudest part of the genshin impact community and the part everyone thinks about that’s not in the actual community is the part of a community that most likely doesn’t even play the game anymore. They’re just on Twitter yelling about the game because they want to cancel people. Hoyo got death threats because they posted a piece of xinyan art and god forbid! there’s a thing known as the lighting and sunlight?! oh my god that’s racist! Oh my God the only dark skin characters are the supposed worse? It’s almost as if there are only four of them! Omg Sumeru is based of the Middle East but not everyone is middle eastern? It’s almost as if not everyone who lives in a place is from there! Nahida is white? It’s almost as if it’s stated that she’s based off of a Buddhist fairy who has PALE skin!

  12. I used to enjoy more genshin , i liked to take characters off meta and build them how i wanted (phis Kaeya for example which was pretty funny to play ) . When i started wanting to play seriously on abyss and build my fav characters actually good to see how far could i go as someone Who doesnt take the game very serious (i dont pay attention to meta or smthng i play what i like with more or less some recommended builds i see , the only 2 characters Who i seriously worked on are Alhaitham and Yoimiya just because they are my favorite out of everyone ) . Thing is i used to join discord servers to ask people what could i improve , but one specific server OHHH M A N , every single Word out of everyones mouth was just slander against every other living thing Who wouldnt be on their side , let me explain : "How do you guys see al haitham on terms of em , should i put more ?" "Only 125% er poor al haitham he is useless " "im playing him for AA not for ult " annnd on that moment i had a literal 1h argument with him saying all types of sht such as calling me retard or even saying to delete my account as It was trash . Its just one , but man , It was so fucking annoying . I really hate when this goddamn community throws hate to someone for the "meta" , Bro , let people play how they want , ¿ they asking you how to play dps diona ? Well then help , dont go and try to forcefully throw them in the meta wth


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