C6 Noelle Wet Rock and C6 NIngguang Shock Rock – Genshin Impact Abyss 4.2 – Floor 12 9 Stars

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17 thoughts on “C6 Noelle Wet Rock and C6 NIngguang Shock Rock – Genshin Impact Abyss 4.2 – Floor 12 9 Stars”

  1. Guys ksksks, future third main Candace here you know, I really like her, I think she's SO BEAUTIFUL, but what's up, Candace, Raiden, Bennet and Xiangling, is it a good team???
    I would use Candace on the field, Raiden just to recharge her ults and do some damage, and the other two… you know, I would start with Ei's Ability, LINDONA's ult ability, Bennett's ult ability and Xiang's ult, this one The first part of the rotation would have a lot of application of electro and hydro because whenever you change dolls in Lindona's ult she hits hydro, then activates Ei's eye and that's it, then it only ends with Ei's ult
    Note: I would use the Fountain Spear which gives life which helps with the buff and the passive can be activated with BennettΓ£o, so what do you think?

  2. You're losing a lot of damage on your Noelle by not focusing more on DEF using a R5 Whiteblind and using the Marechaussee artifact set on her. Of course, by not using Fav you probably gonna need Yunjin or another Geo character to compensate for the loss on ER, but it's totally worth it just to be able to hit +50k on a normal attack during her burst.


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