My BIGGEST Regret In Genshin Impact

My biggest regret in Genshin Impact…DONT DO THIS!!!


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49 thoughts on “My BIGGEST Regret In Genshin Impact”

  1. I have a friend who does this as well, while I am the kind of person who focuses on one character at a time until I am happy😭 She's always farming XP books and mora and a lot of her characters are only half built (cause she always has to farm leylines instead of artifacts lol)
    Meanwhile I chill with my 1.6k purple XP book, 30 million mora and >9k weapon XP crystals🧍🏻‍♀️ it genuinely matters in the long run to just focus on a few and then spread out to other characters.. I genuinely wish I could gift some of my materials to my friend tho😭 she deserves it bless her

  2. Imy biggest regret was use dendro goblet level 20 40CV on another goblet becuz i thought the same thing. I want to build the character around my 2 dps hutao and heizou but then the team is limited becuz they need the same support so i change to keqing hyperbloom and you know what happen afterwards….

  3. I completely built a team with Sucrose as my main DPS till I got to like ar 56 and I got the 50k Crit dmg achievement with her buffed by just Bennett now she's a second DPS in Xiaos team and Ayakas.

  4. another possibly helpful tip: min-maxing isn’t the way to go.

    yeah if you’ve been playing the game for a long time, have (at least some off) your favorite characters, and you’re happy with current builds, THEN you should strive for the best possible subs and rely on rnjesus to bless you. prioritize guaranteed upgrades; level, weapon, talents, then you can build artifacts properly.

    my Itto has been on my account for about a year now and I got so tired of the husk/clam domain after finishing Kokomi that I slapped a gladiator/petra set on him and he’s doing great. don’t think that artifacts are the end all be all for builds.

    ALSO don’t think that an artifact is garbage because it doesn’t have at least 35 CV or something crazy. crit is crit, and at least 15-20 on a piece is fine. early into farming you’ll probably get that one piece that’s 10 CR 10 CD and want to throw it away. keep it. the numbers may seem low that piece is still 30 CV in the long run. don’t get too greedy, and have patience.

  5. My biggest Regret was reaching Raiden shogun story without exploring so much of Monstatd and Liyue🤣…My friends made me go back and we basically spent the next 2 weeks (since they miss the beginning parts of the game and went with me) going back and collecting chests and 100% all of em.. but this part already was fun for me.. so basically its 50% regret (still big xD)

  6. I did upgrade all of my characters that I have and I manage to build all of them. My spiral abyss run is not so good but I always just missing around 3 stars which is just 50 Primos so thats actually fine.

    In bright side, I have full experience of using every characters that I want without have to worry if they are weak or not. Most of them are at least lvl 80+ and they have their own artefacts so I dont have to switch any artefact set to another characters. 😅

  7. I also built too many characters at one time, but my main regret is to keep rolling on artifacts instead of focusing on talents and weapons first
    If you focus on talents and weapons first, it's a guarantee that you will get an upgrade to your damage unlike artifacts that relies on RNG

  8. My biggest regret was not knowing what an artifact actually did………. I had a mental breakdown when I finally found out what appropriate Artifact builds were😅😅😅😅
    That and not to use 4/5-Star weapons as fodder

  9. My biggest regret is not learning how to “build” characters lol even now I’m still like do they kill things before I die? Good enough
    Like I look up what (f2p) weapons/artifacts are best for each char I kind-of care about bc I’m not big brain enough to do the hard work myself lol
    Also for the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY do not use primos on resin. DO. NOT.

  10. I regret this as well, i wasted many resources before i learned the game mechanics, now i'm struggling to build my current teams(i'm f2p). I made 2nd acct and trying to prevent this, but i kind of too lazy to explore and build them again, plus it's gacha game so i don't have the characters i love from 1st acct. 😅

  11. i basically have 2 teams at this point. one is ganyu, melt ganyu. the other is nahida em raiden hyperbloom. sometimes i use a burning team with my kazuha overworld when im bored. all and all seems like i have a habit of ignoring the characters i don't like using completely.

  12. I have the same issue. Like, okay, I need a better dendro team… but what if I start building Aloy, Amber, and everyone else I kept at level 20 at the same time 🤪 (AR56 btw)

  13. If your artifact luck is as shitty as mine, just focusing on those two teams will make grinding excruciatingly boring. I know I'm spreading myself too thin, but that also means I can have fun with whichever character I want to play with for the next week or so.

  14. Mine was not saving 90 wishes. I would use pull whenever I got 160 primos and i would've have more 5 stars if i did this.
    Another is only keeping atk% stat artifacts. I'm still trying to grind the other stats.


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