Genshin Impact Is MANIPULATING Players

Genshin Impact Is MANIPULATING Players
EXPOSING Genshin Impact DEVS Manipulative Tactics

Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast


44 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Is MANIPULATING Players”

  1. ngl… Just because I get spoiled and play more in other Gachas. (Like legit free 5 star characters of your choice, from a 4-5 year old game and a banner thar give free 10 pulls dailies)

    I did hope we do something like this again… JUST because I wanted the current concert glider.😅 But for more faithful players, I do hope they get the compensation they deserve.

  2. I feel bad for the creatives at the Genshin Impact Team at Hoyoverse. They put their hearts into making a beautiful world filled with interesting characters and crazy quests… only for the greedy top management to taint it all by insisting they include an unfair wish system, tedious grinding/levelling up systems (it is much easier in other Hoyoverse games), and hand out stingy rewards.

  3. they can get away with anything now .. just look at this recent outrage … where are they now ?

    just by posting new drip marketing almost all people praise them again …. such a dissapointment

  4. In Psychology, we call this the Classic Door-in-the-face Technique. The seller starts out with a ludicrously high asking price (knowing it will be rejected, hence like slamming a door in the face), then after some time, another offer is made with a much lower asking price. This manipulates the subconscious mind into thinking that the seller is making an incredibly generous offer, which usually leads to the buyer purchasing the goods without any conscious thought. And yes, I totally agree with the "better than having nothing" tactic. Mihoyo incorporates as many business tactics in order to get more players to spend money, because sadly, millions of players around the world are willing to slam their credit card to the ground just for large boobs and cake.

    I am a Pure F2P Genshin player, and I have been enjoying the game a ton since July 2022, and I will keep at it for quite a while.

  5. You guys sound like you discover Genshin's problem now. I said Genshin was stingy at wishes, greedy af, ignoring player feedback from way back when the game first started. Imagine how I was slammed by all players from all sides. Needless to say I left this freaking gacha trash after 1 month.

    Now I can only say this. Genshin players deserve all they get because they don't listen to the few people that see the truth from the beginning. The moment you keep forgiving, you are in Mihoyo's corporate trap.

  6. 8:02 WELL SAID, many whiteknight or some who debating with us will use the statement " Did player play only for reward? "

    Its not just about reward, it just another problem after many problems that exist. It just the controversy going now is about reward at lantern rite

  7. He talking shit about the game cuz rumored that Tectone did not get the contract he wanted. He is talking good about HSR but will talk shit about it 2-3 years from now. Thats how it works. Content= money!

  8. another possible manipulation tactic that hoyo use on genshin is the story (character quest stories and character design), lore and emotional manipulation. if genshin didn't have a decent story and lore there would be almost nobody left to play the game long term so instead of adding content like better endgame content, QoL and better rewards they just improve and focus on one thing that is the story that many players drool over. so genshin is basically similar to overpriced modern and boring tiple A (walking simulator) game that is very common today with the additional gacha system.

  9. Gi has had the worst anniversary rewards and normal rewards for a gacha game that I've ever played. I really love and hate this game at the same time. I also hate that their other games' players get better stuff than we do

  10. Just checked the new events notes for Of Kites and New Sights and it’s got to be a fkn joke. Right next to the 3 wishes…. 2 resin, chicken pudding, 9 guide books, 50k mora, 10 enhancement ore and sanctifying unction. This is their plan?! This was the compensation…. Surely not…. They wouldn’t leave it at that…. Would they?!?!

  11. Genshin impact player base are toxic addicts to the game and hoyoverse knows , so , they are simply trying to shift that player base from genshin to honkai star rail so that they can get these addicts to constantly play both of their games and spend money like crazy .

  12. Disregarding the "China first" argument that typically most if not all gravitate to…the main reason why they tend to listen more from the main chunk of their market base which is Chinese players, people outside of China who plays Genshin forgot that pissing the CN player base for too long is a death sentence that sees the Chinese government/CCP knocking on their door with a cease-and-desist order that will not only cost them billions but also their jobs and their lives


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