HOW GOOD IS ALOY? Full Aloy Review & Build Guide | Genshin Impact

is Aloy worth building? New 5-star that everyone gets in their mail for FREE. I cover her power level and how to build her artifacts, weapons, teams & more.
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Shoutout to Zajef77 (friend and math guy):

i hope this guide helped. Aloy’s main usage IMO is a cryo battery.
Like & Sub if it helped u ty



28 thoughts on “HOW GOOD IS ALOY? Full Aloy Review & Build Guide | Genshin Impact”

  1. Venti is the only character who can't use Aloy's bombs properly. Which is strange given how I remember he interacted with Klee's bombs.

    That said, if you're running Jean, Anemo-Traveller, you can help Aloy gain 4x coil very quickly.

    Have Aloy do an E point blank, switch to the Traveller or Jean, then Hold E and all 4 bombs will hit something. Sucrose can probably do this too, but since she doesn't have a Hold E you'll need to get C1 and a Sac Fragments for up to 3 castings of vacuum.

    Us PC players unfortunately won't get Aloy's PS4/5 exclusive signature bow (which boosts her ATK mind), but it does pay to build her as an attacker. Her scale is +Cryo, automatically making her best set Blizzard Strayer. Then just throw a +ATK bow on her like the Prototype Crescent, you can even use Hamayumi since her Q cost is low enough that you can get your full meter back quickly.

  2. she isnt viable. dont waste your resourses on her. she literally worst cryo unit in game.
    "use her as battery if you dont need diona shield and heal" – haha. Funny. Also dont forget "if you dont whant 200 ele mastery for whole team" wich is make diona better than aloy even in dmg prospective, with heals and shield on top.

  3. I think that Zy0x miss out the 0.5 s interval on her mini bombs activation. So it should be an anti-anemo since the stacks only activate every 0.5 s which made anemo an anti anemo char 🤣😂

  4. I'm disappointed with Alloy, I was hyped with the character joining genshin and invested resources on her but she feels lackluster, even with good artifacts. She does fit nicely as a battery for another cryo unit, but only ganyu can really benefit from her at the moment and you miss a healer on the team unless you pair her with a Jean for debuffing units

  5. I wonder why, mihoyo put a 0.1s cd on getting stacks, why dont they put a 0.1s cd on those bomblets hitting… getting the infusion will be easier… honestly whether its a DPS or a support character, it just feels annoying when half of their kit is not accessible to you most of the time


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