Welcome to Today’s episode of Genshin Impact Memes!
Here you will find today’s funniest Genshin Impact content that I Originally Edited and Carefully Voiced Over to Maximise your Enterteinment.
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Here I am wishing sumeru has only new and interesting bosses and absolutely no cubes.
Evil raiden be like "Can Cook"
when Sumeru comes.
Traveler and his homies :Smoke weeb everday!!!
and poisoned all the fatui with drugs.
When Fontaine comes.
Traverface Fontaine is Yours.
with the help of lynette twins the traveler still hunt some fatui.
When Natan comes.
Traveler : ( Becomes tf2 pyro) , and starts to incinerate all of the fatui.
when snezhnaya comes.
Traveler and Fatui Haters : ( comits mass murder genoside , killing all of the fatui , also have in diluc's home some spikes with fatui soldiers head).
Dainsleif return.
Dainsleif and Paimon : Traveler stop this madness!!!!!
6:14 i slightly press down on the flush just to pour water on him
Her: I bet he’s thinking about other girls.
Him: There’s no way Mihoyo will make us kill Albedo because then there’d be no point to having him as a playable character.
my friend: dude i want albedo but eula is hot tho… which you will roll?
me who has both eula and albedo from 1.0: YES
0:52 yae 100%
Nooo! Please don't make my OTP fight! I know there's no canonical reason, but I ship Bennett and Sucrose.
0:54 I'll take both of them 37k primos loaded
Genshin civil war
Benny to klee: join our side
Benny:we going to fish blasting and exploring domain
Klee: ka-boom
5:01 oh i have 9k mora just for kaeya and spended 10 fragile resin for M O R A L E Y L I N E S
What about geo mommy 00:18
Her: I bet he's thinking of other girls
Him: What if albedo gets a second phase when we have to fight him since he's geo and now cryo
Ganyu > Yae
Albedo: Geo
Klee: Pyro
Eula: Cryo
Traveler: Unknown
Team Albedo
everyone : genshin on Nintendo when?
me : …let me introduce you to “MacBook”
At this point they should really put the OG 5* 5-squad for sale in the shop for starglitter. I think 100 starglitter for one would be a fair price.
Wait it said it's only 120 resin cap but I have 1032 resin
this one is literally my current position lmao
7:26 this is me lmao
6:05 Oh my god, just a minute ago I was talking about how I have 40 crit plus values on Lava Walker and only 6 good Crit value on Crimson Witch of Flames to my father lol