"Sacrifice" | GENSHIN IMPACT animation

It’s been a while since I’ve done a parody animation video lol
anyways I finally got her, thank you for waiting and watching this sequel lmao.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – Sacrificing the Truth

Music: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood – Opening 2 “Hologram” by NICO Touches the Walls 【Band Cover】


26 thoughts on “"Sacrifice" | GENSHIN IMPACT animation”

  1. Can't quite connect with the vid because Ganyu was my first ever 5 star since I started the game back in 1.2.I was fortunate enough to also get an Amos from standard.Also Fullmetal Alchemist is one of my favourite anime,so I fangirl over the reference.Good video,take my like!

  2. I am not joking. This video is telling my history. I started playing Genshin when ganyu banner was nearly in the end, and in that moment I choose to pull for Xiao and skip her(unlucky I lost my 50/50 in Xiao banner). I really rejected skipping Ganyu, so I decided to wait for her. And finally in the version 2.4 I got her C1 and one amos. Now I finished my propose 😎

  3. Tbh I don't care about lvling up my characters all I want is to "catch em all". Until I got to a point where the enemies are strong so I needed to get stronger. I threw away my pride and went for a weapon banner and you know what I get… a new character. And so it was at that time when I realized, I am destined to catch em all. so I returned to only buying character banners, now I can say I am the man with the most characters in my friend group but the weakest in terms of powers. NO REGRETS.


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