Guide for the Energy Amplifier Event. Easy 420 Primogems!
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0:00 Event Details
0:15 Part 1 – Investigation
1:05 Rewards
1:44 Part 2 – Domain Setup
4:16 Day 1 Tips
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Hosseini is the NPC again huh. He was in the first Energy Amplifier as well as the Analogous Ruin Guard event (Shadow of the Ancients). Makes me wonder about Sumeru since it's "close" haha
Thanks for the guide as always! (ó ˇ ` )˚
Managed to score 6250 on expert. Feeling good.😊😊
Wishing everyone goodluck
Happy holidays! Looking forward to the 2.4 news and banners in a couple days.
Just when I thought this event couldn't be more annoying, and now they're adding Spectres. Great. Just great.
Edit: Could you please upload your gameplay for every dungeon? I might need some reference for a quick clear.
I only care about the primo, easy for me then…
Welp, time to summon my co-op friends 🤣
I hope we can get more stages for more gameplay, but it is what it is i guess xD
when this event comes first time i only able to manage score 2000😂,Now this time i manage score 6600😂 without food buff❤.even i don't know about food buff in that case😂.
Hope they kept this kind of thing permanent for dps check on new released char, its kinda like mini abyss but faster.
also don't forget to try the event with atleast two lower players hoping to carry them and fail spectacularly.
total of the whole event is 420 primo?
I thought its more than that
Normal mobs only get 60 Primos because the phone is laggy
Rip: Low specs mobile users?
got 7k points, this event is extremely fun omfg
no name card :((
thanks to this guide I found out its 4000 points per domain only. I thought I had to score 12000 points per domain lol.
how to get in co op mode?
the quest to initiate the event does not show in my quest menu can someone help me.
the domain is not fun at all
The move speed decrease one is actually an easy pick! Normally u dont need to walk around (especially on mobile )
🌸❤️It is always nice to have another avenue by which to earn freemogems to accompany the payed gems purchases as well❤️🌸
I really thought i could use my friends characters
Me who use kazuha to yeet them all-
I don't know what happened but after I talked to the person first my co-op option got locked :') I canceled navigation but it's still showing locked
2 wishes only
thenks you so much
Pyre pyre pants on fire!
This event is some bullshit. The stupid AF water spectre keeps healing instantly all of the people I am killing. Then when I attack the water spectre it is even healing itself as I attack.
Hi. Thanks for this. I'm waiting for your Gorou build guide. 😅🤩
Easier to max score compared to last time for me. That or I just got stronger
Ugh I hate my 400 ping with a passion when it comes to this kind of event
How do u play co op in this one I don't remember how to play co op in the domain
lol me with my freind all of us 45-50 and we got 6k point in the event hha also i need to mention only one of us have good artifacts at the end we all new players except her
I just did the Expert + opponent's HP 200%, with healer support so I don't have to stressed out with the time limit. With this setup I can get exactly 4000.
Based on previous events, the difficulty will be increased for later challenges. So it's best to get around 5000 – 6000 points for the first challenge.
On one hand, I kinda wish we could get a namecard from the event. On the other hand, I'm glad there's no namecard because Mihoyo always locked it behind some insane high score.
Like the last event with modifiers, where we were forced to play on Hard with all the mods to even get the minimum amount of points required. This time, it's less stressful, everyone can play on whichever difficulty they see fit and nobody is missing out on anything 😊
The 1st one is only unlocked for me
I find this event to be much easier than the previous one, I used to struggle getting 5k in coop in the previous event, but in this event i was able to get 6.5k in single player
im so confused what am i doing wrong
these events are so complicated, that just listening to your explanation of the energy amplifier helped my reading comprehension a lot. after several failed tries, i got it immediately after watching the first half of this video !! thank you for your amazing guides as always, and happy holidays tsoul 🙂
how do you challenge the domain coop?
Would anyone have advice for the Hydro Spectres? I burst them, attack relentlessly, and yet, they regain health so quickly
Can you guys tell me how to get 12000 points in this event. I am so confused, I can't go higher than 5000
The events just make me not want to play the game anymore 😔