Why The Slime Theory is Stupid (Genshin Impact)

The popular slime theory used to “predict” archons has a serious problem.

The theory I am referring to is the one created back in 1.4 where they first compared slime’s abilities, and then appearance, and then kept changing it to anything they want, just to match the slime to that archon. THAT theory. It is always changed every version for each archon. This video is about highlighting that theory’s inconsistent nature and how it is always bent around to fit the narrative. Hence “stupid” because they always find a way to make it “right” every single time. So far till 2.6, that theory has morphed into a hypostasis version and some more.

There is another Slime Theory by IslandXD where a consistent lore evidence was used to match each archon to it’s respective slime to predict Gnosis. It is the Slime-Gnosis theory, THAT is a good theory and NOT relevant to this video.

I hope you enjoy the video 😀

Inspired by u/ArdennS’s post https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Lore/comments/uwsqm1/lets_talk_about_the_slime_theory_a_little_bit_and/

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37 thoughts on “Why The Slime Theory is Stupid (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Basically this video:

    The slime theory can never be wrong because they signify their elements, not the archon. And since the archon also signifies their element, there will always be a match of behavior/appearance, so:

    slime = element
    archon = element

    But, people will still defend this theory because the slime and archons will match in some way. Which is the point. They match since they signify that element, they have to have something in common with the element.

  2. I think the wrong of the people here is that, you guys are treating it WAAAYYYY TOO SERIOUSLY like it's a legitimate lore changer and such, when it's supposed to just be treated as a pretty cool little detail or an Easter Egg or a small Foreshadowing whether it's for the skills or the lore and story of the archon.
    Like how there's two type of electro slimes and in the story, there's 2 electro archons at the same time makoto/Ei or Ei/Shogun (whatever era you want to pick).
    You see how this theory wouldn't make sense if we just go by "The nature of the elements"?

  3. There's a theory I came up with that the Hypostases are linked to the New Dragon Sovereigns, in the manner that the old ones were trapped in the form of a Hypostasis and gravitate towards the new ones. This would explain the presence of the Hydro one on Watatsumi Island. I'm not quite sure about the others, but I'm fairly confident Eula is also one, which explains Cryo in Mondstadt.

  4. Probably the difference between Venti and Zhongli with the Dendro Archon is that even the Traveller will have a hard time guessing the Dendro Archon's real identity as we enter Sumeru.

  5. with the slime theory Diona fits as cryo archon, and she even glows like the other archons with her skill (held) which is why I think it's kinda dumb

    (Shield, throwing cryo pelts/arrows, cryo mist)

  6. Well, if we’re gonna start calling things stupid, then all theories about Genshin is stupid.

    Let’s face it. Fictional stories are slaves to their writers’ whims. You can theorize all you want, but the writer can always pull a 180 on you. It’s like Quicksilver appearing in Wandavision, making people excited about X-Men in the MCU, and then, not long after, becoming a boner joke.

    So yeah. Calling something inherently stupid stupid is stupid. Why can’t the community just have fun?

  7. C'mon is not stupid. It's FUN XD
    Besides Barbatos and Morax are not hiding, they are going incognito, huge difference.
    But even if Archon/slime theory…., Ok ok "hypothesis" since you are sensitive to terminology, is proven wrong because the developers come out and say otherwise it wouldn't make a difference it would still remain fun and I would continue ignoring whatever because it's fun XD
    Imagine a connection between the archons and those silly balloons it's funny and adorable.

    But oh well Lumine mains am I right? No wonder she turned into an abyss ally.

  8. Maybe the dendro archon Will have a dendro alternate sprint and go "underground" (Hide) like Mona and ayaka, She could also have a taunt skill (creating tiny slimes) like Amber or Mona while begin a debuffer with her poison effect given by dendro off field

    Cryo archon could very well be a catalyst or bow user Who can create cryo shields and apply cryo off field like xingqiu with cryo shards, it's not too unlikely given we have seen pyro shields from Thoma and xinyan, so why not with cryo?

    It wouldn't be a surprise if we saw that all the archons Will be in the support nieche in One way or another, appliyng elements, creating shields offield

    So no, this theory Is far from stupid, given i debunked your video, you people should learn patience and not draw conclusions too quickly and wait for the results instead of pointing fingers

    Also… Both venti and the anemo Slime create a Wind current at the end of the day? Your point was that One Dies and the other doesn't? What point Is that?

    What about ei? If you Watch closely the big Electro Slime creates a tiny shockwave that connects to other Electro slimes, almost like it's giving Energy to them, what Does the Electro archon do? She's a battery for the whole team! Come on!

  9. I agree with some of your points. That said, we can look at the slimes to perhaps theorize about future archons' themes because they are pure elemental beings, making them good representations of their elements roles. As an example, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the current dendro archon might be a fake, put in place to hide the allegedly dead original dendro archon.

    While the story writing in Genshin can at times be pretty average, the devs do seem to do a very detailed level of world building, background lore and make good use of symbolism in the process. I agree that the "slime theory" in it's current state is not a good theory but that isn't to say that there isn't something more going on with the slimes in relation to their respective element's archons. Just that there isn't currently enough information to draw any real conclusions about any of it.

    There are certainly other Genshin theories with a lot more weight to them. Regardless, the game isn't even to it's half way point yet.

  10. Actually, the reason why Dendro archon considered to be represented as "hiding" in this "theory" because people theorized that Baizhou or, to be precise, his snake is the former Dendro archon that is in hiding outside of his nation. Unlike the rest whom actually not hiding. Venti never enforced any rules and always was away from his position, Zhongli decided to step away and observe while Raiden never left. We may say that Ei were hiding, but that was not for the purpose of hiding, but for maintaining her flawed understanding of eternity and her "interface" were always present, so anyone willing to get to her strong enough could do so.

    And hypostasis… there's interesting thing about the word itself. It means "fundamental reality that supports all else". So, in a way they are purest forms of the elements. Not archons, not anything. Just the very definition of the element.

  11. You would be right accept their is no electro unit in game that works the same as the slime.The geo slime makes a shield and shoot small rocks and the cubes do the other side of the archon power. The geo cube makes pillars. The two make up the geo archon powers. Which by the way proves the theory right. On top the traveler uses a weaker version of the archon powers. The fact is not only geo units make shields. Your point was the slime don't equal the archon but then go and prove yourself wrong. The geo slime does the same a the geo archon. The wind slime makes updrift like Vento. There are two electro slimes like there are two electro archon. If go by the slime theory the dengro archon is not the one we see but is in fact hidden away. We know the cryo archon is cold to her people and yet they still fight for her. You are right if when the archon that shows up is nothing like the slime. People can make different thing Conner the slime to the stchons not just one thing that will make it to easy to figure out.

  12. The electro slimes are probably a positive/negative charge thing, yes; but I can't think of anything else in the game that references this besides the fact that there's always two electro archons (as soon as Makoto died, Ei made a robot clone of herself). Electro doesn't generally act like it needs two counterparts to function, and it's not like they're using real physics here, it's an "earth, wind, fire, water" type of universe. So the electro slimes seem to give the theory more credit than geo/anemo, which don't do anything out of the ordinary for their elements (Ning also throws rocks and makes shields). But it's still hard to guess what atypical things like the cryo slime's shield could possibly mean. The devs might not even know yet.

  13. they really went from gameplay-wise (geo shield anemo flying) to lore-wise (electro twins) no wonder if someday it will be like 'pyro archon use pyro element!! slime theory is true omg

  14. People think that Ei is also the archon, but no, Makoto's the actual archon chosen by Celestia 😭
    Even Celestia doesn't know Ei's alive and Makoto died because Ei was meant to die in the archon war
    literally why Ei can't use the gnosis AND she had to pretend to be Makoto before the cataclysm

  15. Theres a theory (i cant find now or id link it) that changsheng, baizhu's snake, is the original dendro archon and it references the flower on the dendro slime as a parasite.
    Obviously I'm not doing it justice because i cant remember the details but if that ends up being true, then I will believe in slime theory.
    For now, its all just coincidental elemental stuff.
    Ill keep looking for it again later


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