TODAY's NEW FREEMOGEMS Event and Serenitea POT Maintenance END SOON – Genshin Impact

Participate detail:
Before the new event Spices from the west starts tomorrow on May 14th, HOYOVERSE decided to release a new community event. This new event called The Wonderful Animals of Teyvat, Animal themed Photo Submission Contest. In this event you have to take photo of wildlife in the game and post it on Hoyoverse social media forum. Total Freemogems or Free Primogems rewards from this event is 8500 but only for 9 players this will help you to pull Yelan and Kuki Shinobu, probably majority of the players don’t care about this event because of that. For the new event Spices from the west, Hoyoverse just announced the details about the game play. There is a problem with the event, if the players don’t have a resting companion on their Serenitea Pot, they can’t get full rewards. And they can’t see the character responses which is the best part of the event, because Serenitea Pot is still under maintenance. But there is a big possibility that the maintenance will end before Spices from the west ends. If you see here this event is one of the longest duration in the game it will end on June 7th, so serenitea Pot maintenance should be finished within that period.

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43 thoughts on “TODAY's NEW FREEMOGEMS Event and Serenitea POT Maintenance END SOON – Genshin Impact”

  1. I can’t go in my teapot because of trials in tianqiu (i think it’s called) I tried to get geo traveler to get on top of the steps but i can’t because i can’t get the geoculus without something to make me go up ;-;

  2. I never do web events that's a contest and only a few winners will be rewarded. I just don't care if only 9 people out of like hundreds of millions of players will get rewarded

  3. While teapot is in maintance i got Lisas saras zhonglis and dilucs namecards i was farming for namceards (25) so this four in teapot is a really big nightmare for me

  4. Their gacha is a lotterie.
    So their event prices too!
    My chars are lv10 Friends since last year lol
    I havent rolled for any new ones because they suck!
    I dont waste my gems and money for 'just ok' & 'niche' chars. ;p

  5. I have 7 companions in the pot at the moment … lets hope the maitenence ends and i can place stuff again … already maxed out to level 10 … by making stuff every 3 days …

  6. Reminder for everyone to check all fo their tea pot realms because you CAN give your dishes to the companions that are ALREADY placed ANYWHERE in the tea pot


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