Genshin Impact Collected Miscellany Reaction | Shikanoin Heizou | Tighnari | Collei

Continuing our collected miscellany reaction for Genshin Impact. Watching the trailers for Shikanoin Heizou, Tighnari, Collei plus giving our thoughts on who we think is the most powerful and who we like the most. To see all of our Genshin Impact reactions check out this playlist

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20 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Collected Miscellany Reaction | Shikanoin Heizou | Tighnari | Collei”

  1. Let me tell you: Tighnari and Collei were the first dendro characters ( with the exception of dendro mc), the reason because of these is that the developers didn't know how to implement the dendro reactions, so the dendro element was unavailable until version 3.0 because it was the release of Sumero ( The nation who has the Dendro god). Also its release give some of the best reactions in game.

  2. We've reached Sumeru characters and the final element on the Genshin periodic table, Dendro(plants). Also Collei's va jokingly brought up Collei-flower when asking how to pronounce Collei, and in a later event they brought the joke into the game. Also Collei has a really sad backstory that's part of a manga for Genshin, without going into too much detail she has a lot of trauma and despite having a"disease" that leaves her needing to be bed ridden she still tries her best to help others as a trainee forest ranger but can't stray too far from the village, she's a kind soul and must be protected

  3. Collei is a fan favorite character because long before she released in the game, she was a very prominent character in the Genshin Impact manga (yes there’s a manga). The manga takes place at various timeframes before the events of the game. In it, Collei who was a child then, goes through a lot of horrible things including being a human test subject for Dottore aka The Doctor who is one of the Fatui Harbingers (he can be seen in the Winter Night’s Lazzo trailer and appears in the game during the Sumeru leg of the main story). These events caused her to not trust anybody and harbor resentment for everyone until she was rescued by Amber and taken in by the Knights of Favonious. She then gradually comes to admire Amber and she becomes Collei’s first mentor.

    The version of Collei that we meet in the game is an absolute cinnamon roll who is kind and sweet. She also acts as Tighnari’s apprentice. That’s quite fitting because the two of them were the very first two playable Dendro characters in the game. Baizhu was the first Dendro character to appear in the game but he did not become playable until much later

  4. perfect opportunity since you guys want to see the dark part of Genshin's story so much

    Collei was used as a human experiment as a child and at the same time she had an incurable disease, she was forced to k¡ll people and was constantly drugg3d to stay on her feet

  5. This is a good set of characters. I feel like the release of Heizou and the land of Sumeru kicked off some really creative choices by the developers, like adding a character who can straight up fly.

  6. About Tighnari's ears (and tail):
    -They are based on the Fennec fox (search google for image, their ears are huge lol)
    -His fur color, however, is different from irl fennec bc of in-game history reason: his ancestors move from the desert to rainforest, the fur changed and lower heat resistance is the results.

    If I have to rate these 3 characters based on:
    -fun: Tighnari = Heizou > Collei
    -DMG overtime: Tighnari > Heizou > Collei
    -front-loaded DMG: Heizou > Tighnari = Collei (it's so easy to get 50k+ Crit DMG with Heizou)
    -ATK Animation: Heizou > Collei > Tighnari (punching is cool, period.)
    -Idle Animation: Tighnari > Collei = Heizou (he touches his earsssss)
    -Overworld passive talent: Tighnari > Collei = Heizou (I won't farm Sumeru materials without Tiggy)
    -Back story: Collei > Tighnari > Heizou (read the genshin manga)
    -Personality: Tighnari > Heizou = Collei (Tiggy's sassiness is gold, heizou is a bit hard to read sometimes because of his playfulness)
    -Visual Design: Tighnari > Collei > Heizou (this is personal reference)


    I thought they'd show Tighnari lol

    All my other comments are gone dang

    Collei works under (Master) Tighnari
    Tighnari is a "Valuka Shuna"


    Oh what else had i said…

    Trump-Card Kitty and Baron Bunny

  8. Almost everyone in sumeru's wilderness has to learn how to combat the many deadly animals and monsters.
    I imagine two of the characters you guys are watching are better than the Inazuma detective in combat.


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