Genshin Impact news here. In the next Fontaine map expansion, there will be a place that is thought to be the palace of Remuria’s kingdom. Based on the story, this kingdom should have fallen into the Abyss.
However, in an illustration for the map expansion, you can see a ruin that is thought to be kingdom of Remuria.
♫ Music : HOYO-MiX – Tales From the Snow Mountain (Orchestra)

#genshinimpact #celestia #map


22 thoughts on “WHY IS THIS PALACE SIMILAR TO CELESTIA | Genshin Impact”

  1. Where is it that you get all this info about what could be coming to the game?

    Back in the day you could find leaks in the Genshin Leaks subreddit before Hoyoverse caught on to their shenanigans lol. It leaves me without a clue of where people get anything anymore regarding the leaks of the game.

  2. I think what happen here is that the floating island is not the real celestia, it's actually part of the floating ancient kingdom which most of it fell in abyss. This disaster caused by the khaenriah ancestors who at the time dwells on the surface, get annoyed of the floating kingdom expansion which grew above their head day by day(they literally creating floating kingdom just for rich peoples home) War then break up between floating land and surface people factions,this war ended up with most of the floating kingdoms fell and merge on other surface forming mondstadt and liyue,the original surface land at the area fell to the abyss,forming big hole on the map. These surfaces dwellers people later on get punished by heavenly principles to live with the abyss for all eternity. Basically for teyvatian, khaenriah is just evil outsiders who's attacking them out of nowhere but for khaenriahs, reclaiming the surface is their struggle to freed themselves from their underground prison


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