NATLAN IS HERE | Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames | Genshin Impact REACTION



49 thoughts on “NATLAN IS HERE | Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames | Genshin Impact REACTION”

  1. why do people care so much about skin color tho. ever been to middle-east? south asia? some are white pale. well i do like tan or dark skin with silver hair that'll be badass but come on.. forget about skin color

  2. I really love all their designs and think they’re all stunning! But, I’m a mixed person and usually very white, though right now in the middle of summer my skin is darker then every single character besides Iansan😭

  3. Honestly I like character designs and everything
    The only weird thing is — WHY THE HELL THEY ARE ALL WHITE? Since when people from tribes of regions Natlan is based at are white with a light tan? They're not on vacation, they're living there and kinda representing their culture

    Hoyo proved again that they're another Chinese company making characters which will be 100% attractive for mostly racist chinese audience and not giving a shii about inclusivity

  4. not a fan of loli characters at all. also a chinese company is gonna cater to chinese tastes regardless if they market themselves in other places, while american companies like to pander to every possible audience, chinese companies do not care, its not like they dont know how to create dark skinned characters, they have except theyre all enemy type characters from sumeru. They do this because they dont need to change the formula, all the genshin CCs are corporate sellouts, they whine about these things just to seem on twitters peoples side but when push comes to shove ur all still gonna play the game and collect ur paycheck, i personally dislike this fake caring about skintones and body diversity in genshin. Speak with ur wallet and stop whaling on a company that supposedly disappoints you.

  5. the characters dont have to be dark skinned imo, this game company is chinese and the beauty standards for a lot of asian countries include pale skin. 🤷♀ as long as the characters look cool, i dont think people should read so much into it. and before yall say anything, im hispanic lmao

  6. And again….Only female characters…. Genshin currently has 54 female characters but only 30 males. At Fontaine we had 13 characters and 9 of them were female characters…. The skins that were released, mostly for female characters. How can we say that we have enough ? Neuvillette and Wrio were bangers so that I was "Hm..OK." but there, hugely disappointed, knowing that the last archon is also a woman…. I already fell a plot twist where Capitano is in reality a girl…. I already love Natlan, who respects the Aztek culture quite well with the very colorful landscapes and characters, tattoos etc. (skin color, however, is a moot point…). The music is just banger too, I like it a lot. I also love the female chars, some of them are very mature and like a lot !

    But please, YouTubers and streamers, we need to talk about the sexism of these games. You have to talk about it because that's the only way things can change. You have a responsibility. We have a responsibility. I also make a parallel with WW. There are no male characters for 4-5 hours of play, the beginning is a bunch of waifu and the first we come across is Scar. Its zipper was a problem/drama so the development team changed its design, but b*obs that bounce at the slightest movement of the head, is not a problem? If it's normal to see this in video games or anime, why wouldn't it be just as normal to have a male character's crotch so big that his fly is about to explode? Or his crotch that bounces as much as the b*oobs? Ridiculous, isn't it? Please talk about it. Some games and anime (like SNK) have managed to prove to us that it is possible to have an healthy construction of their characters. In 2024, that must change. (sorry for my english, I'm not fluent) Ofc I'm only talking about "all public/audience" games. Some assume that they are "ecchi", like Nikke as well as "Otome" games.


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