@rintaichou talks about why she became an Amber main in Genshin Impact. #SevyTalks #hoyocreators
Edited by Jekichuuu
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But then also Keqing too. Peoples despise about only just one Standard 5★ Character to have her own banner since 1.3
And I still seeing everyone still blaming/hating Keqing in right now.
Me with xinyan i love my girl
Tbh Rin is one of the main reasons why I stubbornly use Kaeya and Diluc even when they’re usually written off. Play what you like!
Love my C6 Amber! 🤗♥️♥️♥️
You actually don't have to spend all those primos on standard when you can use the starglitter you get from limited banners to buy her constellations whenever the shop has them on rotation. If you started playing on launch you'd probably have amber at C6 multiple times over without having to spend primos on standard. So yeah, I do agree that was an L move when you could've used the primos on limited banners instead and still get amber maxed through the glitter shop
Sevy amber guide video when
Kaeya is still my favorite Cryo even with Ayaka Ganyu and Wriothesley being released
That’s the most important thing to learn when playing games: knowing why YOU play, playing the way YOU enjoy 😊
Rin and Sevy? Hell yeah I've been a fan of rin since hs which holy shit was 10 years ago. I'm so glad you had her on the podcast!
Always amazing. Bless.
Rin is a man of focus, committment and sheer fucking will.
This is exactly why I still use kaeya
I mean someone’s gotta show appreciation for the free stuff that we have and Amber is a hidden 5*
That voice doesn't match the face
Respect. I have meta teams and I enjoy them but a whole bunch of my favourite characters are not meta. Razor is my main. I run Thoma with Wriothesley. I'm using Furina to make a supercharged dps Barbara.
Play characters you like and enjoy!!!!!
I do ironically have c6 amber after three years… while kaeya and lisa are still c1 lol
True! Dehyamaxxing since release!!!
Meta , overpower is fun and all but some times you just want to do something challenging even I myself have done floor 12 with four star only even though I can easily 36 star it with my five ✌️.
Honestly, I'm proud of Rin for spending that much on Amber of all characters and starting a career out of that
WTF that's a man
honestly every character is good when build. but, it just that we like easy run and aoe depend on the character u like
I've waited for 2 years to buy my c6 amber and i finally got her. I have TP & yoimiya but i never used them lmao. Need to flex amber more🤣
I too like playing the "underdog" characters. And i spent a lot of time building them including amber. But man, amber in particular really is tough. Hats off to rin and other amber mains who do such crazy things with her. I could never.
Same for myself..
Underdogs characters especially the cool looking one always drawn me in..
But somehow some are on the top, like Alhaitham 😂 remembering how everyone said he suck and a dendro keqing..
But yeah.. I've build decent chongyun, and rn building razor phys team with furina..
Wriothesley being the underdog in fontaine being in the middle of neuv & furina..
Baizhu losing support role to nahida..
And so on..
There’s literally no reason to play amber
I fricking love Chongyun and Kaeya and have spent most of my farming time to building and maining them! No regrets!
There is no such thing as bad or worst character. I play Hydro Lumine for example and enjoy it. I play Noelle as my beloved DPS, even though I have C2 Navia and even more "damage-wise more efficient" units. I play phys-built Mika, because I like him and he feels good for me. There is no such thing as worst character objectively. Just deal with it, people. And play characters you feel good and comfortable with. No pressure, no rush, no hate :3
Amber is top tier in best girl ❤
My amber is c5 and I still am not devoted to her poor thing
I love this. Not only play who you like… I'm in the "play who I HAVE" mode. I've got C6 Fremi and I really want to build him. I love his character and I think he could be a lot of fun. 😁