Yelan Is In Danger & It's OUR Fault [Genshin Impact]

People have got to realize that we are out here throwing our waifus into the jaws of Hoyoverse balance teams with all these INSANELY detailed reasons as to why a character is “broken” before release. Yelan just got a nerf and if you keep this up she will get more!



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42 thoughts on “Yelan Is In Danger & It's OUR Fault [Genshin Impact]”

  1. To sum the video up :
    Hoyoverse is our enemy that can't be trusted with information.

    …that's not what players should be feeling towards the game developer. Why are we playing a game from this company in the first place?

  2. You got a really valid point there. The only broken dps unit st C0 released to date is Ganyu and that's because people thought she was a support. But honestly, I do hope all characters keep being balanced overall. That way everyone can play whoever they prefer without feeling less than other units. I am not on board with releasing broken characters, it turns some players feel bad and others feel too good

  3. Fantastic points, Walrus. With all this hype-train nonsense, I was honestly getting absorbed into the rabbit hole of Yelan being “broken” and this video helped me reframe everything. It’s true though
 the theory crafters basically be doing unpaid work for hoyoverse lmaooo. Can’t keep the info to themselves like NDAs prohibit them to, which ruins the expectations for the whole genshin community. “Don’t show your cards” is very true and I can see the utility in that adage now

  4. Or even better if the unit is already good in Beta just say she's underwhelming and needs a Buff then she's become even more broken.

    I also played Tekken 7 and here every player are telling other people that their characters are bad but unfortunately for us the developers are smart with the balancing

  5. Ah, so they nerfed her.
    I've been skipping all latest banners with those so-called 'balanced' characters, because why choose mediocre if you can choose good old beasts.
    If people do not agree with mohoyo's nerfing, they should show it with their wallets.

  6. So you want theorycrafters to just shut up? Specially when most of the time all their takes on units are far more detailed and accurate than yours? Man if the theory crafters dont do content then all thats left for people to watch during the beta is hype youtubers like you,right? Yeah yeah lets do that instead.

  7. I don't know what's wrong with Yelan just being better than Xingqiu. She's a 5 star, she should be better. Why would my 5 star have worse hydro application than the 4 star I want to replace? They need to reverse that nerf. I see the change to her C2 as well – sneaky. They want us all to pay up for C2.

  8. As much as I agree with you… I would never have guessed we'd get into the darkest timeline where we blame players for being excited for quality and showing it. At the end of the day though, the whales and content creators will still pull c6 and do giveaways anyway.

  9. You do know.. this was all hoyos fault right? Yelan no voice at all appeared in the chasm thus hyping her up. It all was apart of their plan…
    The summary of your video
    "The doom posters are right and we should all keep being toxic."
    Yeah so yelan sucks.. I mean look at her kit.. a xingqiu really pfft

  10. I couldn't believe that video coming out while she's still in beta. Like dude just hold onto that for when she's live and they are far less likely to nerf her!

  11. I’m 100% in agreement with you. If you take a few exemples, you’ll notice that Mihoyo made into constellations every bit of « broken » aspect of most characters who were leaked and hyped for specific traits, those traitĂ©s becoming the constellations. Sadly the problem aren’t the theory crafter, they’re not so loud, the problem are the crazed fan who repost everywhere they can, even going as far as posting it on hoyolab
.it’s quite disappointing. We’re metaphoricaly shooting ourselves in the leg or in the bank account in this case

  12. Finally someone said it bro these idiots are out here playing gamers đŸ˜€ and keep on destroying the fun factor from these characters it's soo annoying this is why yae is in the position she's in rn it's so frustrating aaugh!!!!

  13. I agree with this. Ever since overhype became a thing it never sat right with me.
    Also, love how all through this Yelan drama talk Ayato is just standing there like, “This doesn’t concern me. I’m already out as a decent unit, doing what I claimed to do. Y’all who were calling me worse than Yelan, let’s see who’ll be laughing after all the nerfs you brought onto her yourself”.

  14. I'm not pulling for her, but just from a business perspective, I would definitely be making several accounts on these social media platforms and low-key spying on these discussions.

  15. Do you really think that hoyoverse is so clueless that they didnt know they were making a very strong character. I'm sure there was always a plan to "test out 1.5u" with a 1u also planned if they needed/wanted it.

    You really aren't that clueless to think they hoyoverse has no clue? Especially when the broken version would probably sell better.

  16. Honestly, I feel like a veteran player has enough experience to know when a character will at the very be very good just by looking at their kit. How good requires testing, but Yelan went from being "hyped" to "trash" in literally a day. Because I guess people are experts on game design and how badly her "nerf" impacted her viability. I'm trying to think of every single situation where Xingqiu actually needs his extremely quick Hydro application and Hu Tao is literally the only one I can think of. Even there we're still not sure if he'll actually still be better until Yelan is out and tested. Klee is the only Pyro main DPS that definitely won't benefit form Yelan aside from her passive. But even Xingqiu can't keep up with Klee. Yoimiya has long ICD, so she'll prefer Yelan. That's just objectively true. Yoimiya doesn't need fast Hydro application. Raiden national has electro-charged for Xiangling to over-vape, so the long decay of the reaction will make Yelan's hydro application more than enough. It'll prefer Yelan for the passive and elegy. Electro-charged teams have a long decay, so Yelan will be preferred for her passive and elegy. Diluc doesn't apply pyro fast enough for it to matter. Again, Yelan for her passive and elegy. For those that actually like running Xingqiu with Ayaka, Yelan will be better. Freeze doesn't need fast hydro application. Yelan's passive passive and higher scaling burst will be preferred. So I'm just trying to make sense of this "Yelan is mid" argument some of the community is giving. It's like they're super hesitant to let water boy give up his throne. In the very worst case scenario, Yelan will only be as good as Xingqiu at C0 and will have situations where you'd prefer to use Xingqiu over her and vice versa. There's really no debate on who's better at C6 given that Yelan becomes another broken 5 star at that point. Xingqiu struggles to barely reaches 10k per sword at C6 with Kazuha. At C6, Yelan is hitting 20-40k per hit of her burst and has considerably better energy cost and generation. Whether people consider if having a second Xingqiu on their account is worth it is up to them. Sure, a 4 star that can mimic another 5 star makes pulling that 5 star seem less worth it. But didn't we say the same thing about Kazuha and Sucrose? Sucrose gives EM like C2 Kazuha. She also has crowd control. She gives some elemental damage bonus at C6. Sucrose can still be better than Kazuha in certain team comps and no theory crafter denies that. But regardless, no theory-crafter will deny that when Kazuha is preferred, he's considerably better. The community is also giving the same argument they gave for Raiden being bad. This character doesn't work with "ONE CHARACTER IN THE ENTIRE GAME (Beidou)" so she's useless and objectively bad. That argument didn't hold very much weight when we learned how OP Raiden was in the team comps that she did work with. I don't know if Yelan will be incredibly broken, I just know she will be a better pick than Xingqiu in most situations.

  17. I remember people hyping Yae to the point that some even call her "electro ganyu" luul with all her leaks being out in the open so when it is not what is presented when they release her, it's the same people who are malding as well and I honestly find it funny.

    You coudnt have said it better leakers are doing mihoyo's job for them(to be specific the unpaid theory crafters) at this point I think leak channels are in kahoots with mihoyo to a certain extent(to be specific the owners of leak sites and mihoyo's balance team) because the FACT THAT THE BIG LEAKER CHANNELS AND SITES ARE MONETIZING FROM Mihoyo's not released content and we havent heard any news about them being sued or atleast sent a ceast and desist order makes me believe that Mihoyo said screw it let's just play their game but better.

    So I think most likely mihoyo has staff monitoring honeyimpact or big leak/pseudo leak channels and maybe at some point even allowing them to have the money they get from AD revenue(by not suing them for damages) so what happens is mihoyo makes a draft character then the leakers community post it on site then mihoyo looks at data on what makes the character broken, so they make the character in a way that if you want it to be as close as our initial OP/really good character. You have to go over their paywall(which said leak owners/channel will have anyways because of the AD revenue)

    So yea, you theorycrafter are snitches not to the playerbase(because most genshin content are casual and mobs in the open world and even abyss to an extent die to everyone anyways)but to your own communities which you aim to get respect for.

    No I dont mind theorycrafting because I dont mind a good read and discussion and I dont really care about the meta(33 star is my goal so eh) but yea if you dont want to be the ones crying for buffs when official comes out then dont be explicit with all the maths because it's not about the one being right as mihoyo is a business at the end of the day, IT'S ALL ABOUT TIMING. And you guys know these, as in genshin one ruined rotation even with all the meta comps with artifact can decide a successful 36 star run or not. Timing is key and it requires a good sense of EQ(which you guys arguably lack)

    If you guys dont want to always be malding when mihoyo released an "underwhelming" character at C0. You shouldnt be playing abyss, as this is not a battle of speed and efficieny you should start play to chess(not the speed one but regular chess) as this is a battle of wits, setting up traps and playing your opponents hand against him.


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