The Genshin Impact Racism Drama is Getting WORSE…



Genshin Impact and Hoyoverse have had a lot of backlash online recently after releasing their new region Natlan, which at first seemed like a small argument between players but now it has BLOWN UP with Voice Actors from Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail & Zenless Zone Zero speaking up about it and also some of Genshin’s top Content Creators as well. In this video i go through every person who has shown their support and also discuss whether Boycotting Genshin Impact will make a difference or not…

Hope you enjoy the video!

0:00 Natlan Drama
02:04 Voice Actors & CC’s Speak Out
06:09 Will A Boycott Work?
09:30 History Repeats Itself

#hoyoverse #genshinimpact #genshin #pyroarchon #natlan #natlangameplay #murata #zzz #zenlesszonezero #wutheringwaves #genshinnews


21 thoughts on “The Genshin Impact Racism Drama is Getting WORSE…”

  1. There's actually an extremely racist saying in China that goes something like "yi bai zhe san chou," basically meaning "white skin can make up three uglies," countries like Japan, Korea, and China, are all very beauty centered. I think a lot of genshins popularity has to do with their attractive characters, thats why characters will probably always be single and look nice.

  2. The boycott will cause little harm to MiHoYo. According to the statistics, the North america server only accounts for more or less 10% of the earnings. Also, there is no such thing as a Woke culture among CN players. The majority of them prefer light skin tone characters. So not only they will not support and fight for such cause, they will be backlashing MiHoYo even worse for sucking up to Americans and indoctrinating foreign values……

  3. 好笑的是,现在如果米哈游真出了一个深色皮肤的角色,一定会被中国玩家打上“西方政治正确”或者“美式价值观”的标签而遭到更大的抵制。


  4. What problem would Western people have with just the skin color of the characters?
    Can't these people just enjoy the game?
    If they truly want to do things that are beneficial to the world and have a positive impact on society. You guys should stop playing games. Stop using the internet, eat only vegetables, and go live in a cave.

  5. Its funny how twitter is complaining abt natlan characters being whitewashed yet there's people posting images of blackwashed versions of the characters. Blackwashing and whitewashing are equally bad

  6. I think one of the problems people don’t think about is that Hoyoverse is a Chinese Company.
    I think they’re more worried that if they use dark colours, some people would find it more racist because they’re using colour that’s not their own.
    People would cause trouble saying that Hoyoverse is stealing their colour or disrespecting them. Either way people would always find ways to stir up problems.

  7. We'll see what happens. If CN comes with the same energy the west is coming with, Hoyo might do something. I'm skeptical of anything happening like the "3 yr anniversary" situation. Hopefully the characters get their accurate depictions tho

  8. This boycott is useless asf, a few thousands in the west not spending money? Oh what would happen to Hoyo when they're located in a Country with 1 BILLION people, and they are also popular around neighboring countries with millions of people, so what would a few thousand do by not spending? It's not impossible but the chance of the boycott working is very slim

  9. Latin American here, most of us don't care about this nonsense, in fact we like it as they are. Only North americans with no real issues on their lives complain about this

    Stick to your own problems (or find real ones to begin with), this does not concern you. People really forcing everyone to speak on such a non issue 😐😑

  10. I’m Mexican so I was exited about Natlan. Mexico along with other latin American countries are very diverse, you see people of the whitest shades to the darkest shade possible. So it made sense to me that there would white playable characters from natlan. What I wasn’t expecting was for ALL of them to be white against my better judgement. Even with the natlan npc leaks most of them are white. It just didn’t feel right to me and I genuinely can’t see myself spending any money on this game anymore. Like idc at this point if it won’t make any change I just wouldn’t feel right spending my money on a game that disrespects ppl of color like this. I don’t have an issue with other ppl spending money on this game but I just can’t see myself doing it

  11. This is probably gonna get me hated, but whatever. First of all, it is a fictional game. Does it take inspiration from real like cultures, yes, is it the same thing though? No. If anything, every region except for Liyue and Inazuma are just mixtures of IRL regions. Also, people are mistaken. I think I can speak for at least 30% of players when I say, what I like is the culture and world depicted in the game, not those of real life, okay? I like whatever it is that they made with that inspiration; as for the source of inspiration itself, I am not the least bit interested. No offense, but they are just boring and dull and out of time.
    Lastly, again, this is fictional game, and a game at its essence. When I play a game, I look for a good story, nice looking characters, good music and cinematic, that’s all. If you care more about representation than what the game has already shown to be able to offer, then stop yelling boycott, just stop playing and find another game, since it is clearly not for you, but don’t ruin it for the rest of us. If you want representation, find it elsewhere; you care about the skin color of fictional characters, go somewhere else please.


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