Why Genshin Impact will never die.

โ–ผ expand me โ–ผ

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50 thoughts on “Why Genshin Impact will never die.”

  1. the xiangling thing reminded me of how i couldnโ€™t pronounce xingqui for so long even if someone told me my brain would instantly forget how to say it (or think the way i was told was how i pronounced it incorrectly before so assuming it was the wrong way iโ€™d say it incorrectly- i hope i explained that well)
    ironically the one time i said his name in a video i said it wrong fhsbdhdh
    i can say it now, finally but yeah

    also i find it weird that some people support genshin while also shitting on content creators or community members for voicing concerns? i get supporting parts of mihoyo who arenโ€™t payed as much & work a lot but itโ€™s likeโ€ฆ someone saying โ€œitโ€™s annoying to see people play through the content quickly then complain about not having enough contentโ€ could easily be reframed into โ€œgenshin should make replayable content so they can spend more time to make main story content and eventsโ€ or something peoples closemindedness annoys me.

  2. All Genshin really needs is a competition. If any company could invest on 3D anime world exploration gacha (common Nintendo you have the assets) and just be better at handling the game than Mihoyo which is not that hard. People will leave in droves.

  3. Teccy, your energy is unique and you've earned the greatest community. We love you and your content is GOLD. Never stop being awesome, your videos give me life. Thank you for existing ^_-

  4. If Genshin Impact had competition, this game would be so much better.
    That's what I've been trying to tell people and what do I get?
    "StOp DeFeNdInG tHe MuLtIBiLlIoN dOlLaR cOmPaNy." like tf?

  5. Teccy if you went on vegan diet then say bye bye to all of your hair.
    Maybe try something like carnivore since you want to lose weight and shit.
    Just remember that vitamins and mionerals are more important.
    I don't want to see you sad because of your baldness.
    That will destroy the content you create if you get depressed.


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