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  1. Genshin has started it all. But that doesn't mean Genshin would be the end all be all when it comes to such a game genre. Inevitably one or a few more games would come out that would give Genshin a run for their money.

    Life is like a wheel Genshin might be on top right now bec. it is the only game of its type. Complete and utter lack of competition or in short Monoply has done great wonders for Hoyoverse and Genshin for the past 2 years. But once the wheels start turning Genshin might find itself somewhere else.

    So I hope that Microsoft backs up or collab with either Wuthering Waves or Arknights Endfield. I'd want to see where this takes the cross platform gaming industry moving forward.

  2. The fact that Xbox doesn't support genshin impact sucks as I want to play it on my friends Xbox so badly. Also I am so hyped for Zenless Zone Zeros release but I can understand that the game is incomplete and needs to be refined for it to be released. There will be a meta in that game the characters Miyabi, Aokaku and Nicole have shown this. You basically cc enemies and Nicole can soft lock bosses which is op.

  3. Genshin really is a revolutionary game that has inspired anime games to push further. It's very well known that "anime games" or "fantasy games" with the Japanese animation style are rare. Like good ones are very rare. That's why games like Zelda, got so good because they Not only were revolutionized the fantasy animated concept but they nailed the progression. Like Genshin, took the concept but went beyond everything with their progression and now many wanna copy their success and I believe although kinda boring now that alot of games look to copy Genshin, I believe it let's alot of game companies and developers know that, that's how you do an anime game. Especially when it's open world.

    Not slap on anime girls with unreliable support for the game and PAY2SURVIVE systems with poor story telling and stimulation after a week. Anime games can be so much more than what they are but idk why the effort to them is little.

    Genshin didn't only rock Sony, the mobile market and PC platforms have prolly X2 OR MORE players on there than PlayStation.

    After 2 years, Genshin still has 200-500K+ active players daily and that's crazy. You can say whatever you like about the game but you can't lie they made themselves a route of their own despite having so much dramas especially the terrible community. But the game? It's really a gem if you've played from recent years of release. At this point they're not known for being this anime open world, the true players are really here to see the story, the new things, what they're gonna do in coming updates etc, were just enjoying the process ngl

    If Microsoft can pull off something with as much care as Genshin, I'd be happy to see the competition.

    There are many great upcoming anime games to release and I hope they can compete with Genshin.

  4. MS problem is rather than making friends they are trying to buy friends!
    Sony tends to have a you scrach my back i scrach yours relationship with devs, while MS wants a you scrach my back cause im your boss relationship!

  5. ever wondered what how genshin was made? was it even made by humans? maybe it was ai made and genshin 'devs' are just for public image? maybe thats why their events are so sh!t, and bad timings? but its just a theory -urs truly

  6. great video. i wonder if microsoft will continue supporting genshin once they got their own, or they'll limit support for genshin and shill their own.

    either way i hope hoyo adds linux support

  7. Well, if western studios would learn how to create attractive female characters, maybe they could create Genshin competitors.

    No need to outsource to China. Just start hiring competent management for the studios you already own.

  8. More anime gacha games that will get a community full of normies/wokes in the West as Genshin? Nah, I hope not, Genshin fucked up the calm gacha game community

  9. More anime gacha games that will get a community full of normies/wokes in the West as Genshin? Nah, I hope not, Genshin fucked up the calm gacha game community

  10. How hasn't any company learned by now that if you go "Killer "anything you just preemptively kill your effort cause the past 20 years anything doing that just died or ended up coexist beside said thing they meant to stab. Poor star wars galaxies

  11. Genshin will always be unrivaled due to the fact that they made history in this gaming generation. No matter what game Microsoft decides to waste their money on people will always be turned off and call it a wanna be Genshin.

  12. Ambitious, but not impossible, and I can already see a lot of ways as to how they can pull this off. See the problem with Genshin Impact is that it is littered with Finite content, and I get it. Catering towards the casuals are fine, but there is one great way to both cater to casuals and have Infinite content and that is through replayability.

  13. What Microsoft fails to realize is that majority of Genshin revenue and success is from overseas. So not only would they have to make characters more appealing than Genshin, but they would have to make a better system (which shouldn't be hard), make more than 3 billion dollars and appeal to that overseas market. Not impossible but they would have to take longer time than Hoyo did for Genshin. Genshin literally came out at the right place at the right time, during the pandemic.

  14. Genshin impact makes waves because it incorporates things that gamers love. Microcrack and sofarsonot(sony) Don't understand this because for them it's all about money first. they miss 3/4 of the things that drive gamers to games, and the rest of what they do is guess work. mostly because they first and foremost are money first. gamers see it differently. and They will pay with their budgets and their pocketbooks. due to their ignorance. Which is fine with me, let them starve and figure out when they missed.


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