Why Genshin Could Benefit From Power Creep – Genshin Impact

I’ve been gone for a while cause YouTube feels a lot like a job that I don’t get paid for, that said i finally got this damn video done so here it is. Enjoy. If it does well i will come back and make more content in the future

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Yo Kai Watch Puni Puni Footage – https://www.youtube.com/@Robbett


29 thoughts on “Why Genshin Could Benefit From Power Creep – Genshin Impact”

  1. Gotta say I like this more toned done less angry version of you. Makes for easy listening.

    I feel like Hoyo is just really limited by the ability limit. A skill a burst and auto attacks are not much to work with especially when you want to make the majority of characters about reactions. Looking at how much a game like Dota for example can get out of 4 abilities for most characters it seems like increasing the verbs each character has would be really fun though unlikely.

    Tbh I‘m not the biggest fan of powercreep even though I do spend on this game I rather have more interesting characters then more powerful ones. As you said the game is easy enough for the most part anyways.

  2. OK so I didn't watch the video but ill still state my opinion:yes,genshin does need power creep but not like getting a new ganyu every 2 weeks,characters still need to get stronger but not too quickly

  3. I think power creep would make sense if genshin had end game… venti/kazuha nahida and Mona/ayaka and then sayu/yelan kind of covers a full exploration and power creeping it really just makes old players who cant afford it feel shitty and new players get a 10% buff that most can't even compare the utility of. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I do think you should find a game other than genshin if that's how you feel when playing it. Think maybe you might spend more than you're getting from the game at this point if you feel that way. That being said as a business I'm surprised they don't too

  4. I disagree that there is no downside, though I do not disagree that it may still be good enough for the game to consider.

    The real problem with power creep is not that new characters will be stronger than older characters, it’s that the expected strength of an average player goes all over the place, which makes balancing the game’s difficulty a lot harder for the devs. The devs can’t just assume that a player is going to have the meta power-crept characters, yet it also doesn’t really make sense to intentionally allow the game to be power-crept and then keep it at the same difficulty.

    Hoyo DOES seem to be scaling up the game’s difficulty, they just do it so slowly that any player who keeps up with the game regularly will hardly even notice; but as someone whose girlfriend plays the game casually on and off, the difficulty jump between regions can be very noticeable to some. I barely noticed a difference between Liyue and Inazuma, while she thought it got way too difficult. Hoyo is balancing new regions with the assumption that we’re getting much stronger, because most players probably are, as they get more and more characters and weapons, some of which likely being meta; but this does leave behind a lot of casual or on-and-off players, and who’s to say they’re wrong for trying to play the game that way? Genshin isn’t exactly marketed as a hardcore game or anything, after all. More power creep would make this issue worse.

    Power creep does mostly benefit players who do keep up with the game though, due to the style of the game, so if Hoyo can find a way to help out casual players and let them not feel as left in the dust, then it could be a good idea.

  5. The thing is, people will always want overpowered things. The health of the game and the bigger picture is lost to most people. Long term thinking is often not a consideration when it comes to people's individual decisions, and that's verifiable everywhere. Powercreep should be kept to either being super slow or non-existent in genshin because over the long term, especially with the gacha model, it would end up being a net negative.

  6. The only good thing about not having power creep is that I can sit on my ass with 180 wishes paitently waiting for the next Raiden rerun 🙂

    No, but jokes aside, if we're not getting an endgame then at the very least they need to do some power creep in order to keep new characters interesting. Otherwise it's extremely simple to see a trend, even for the most casual players: you get the archons, you get a character that does damage, you pair them, you kill shit. I wish we could move on from that, but it's Hoyo, so probably no endgame and no powercreep, just more teapot.

  7. Unfortunatly one of the reasons i left genshin impact was because Genshin devs decided to only focus on story and dont care about combat content at all. So powercreep will never be a thing based on what they started to do after Lyue region.
    Rly sad genshin devs added nothing new to the game in terms of combat.
    I started not playing this game and i must say the more you dont play it, the more you realize how scammy this company is.

    I rly dont get it why would people only play genshin for the story, but meh, even my school books are more interesting then genshin impacts lore.
    I only see combat as the thing that triggered me to play the game but then i realized after inazuma the shit direction this game is following.

    But then i see in this social media people saying that majority doesnt want ckmbat content and when i hear this i simply think that this people either are hoyoverse cucksuckers or simply are no lifes in real life.

    Anyways all this to day, yes, Genshin is a story game so stop caring about it if story is shit becaude devs wont care about combat at all

  8. I get the idea that the base systems for games like Genshin need to evolve to be fun, but why do it through powercreep?
    Wouldn't it be better for them to just rework the systems so all units benefit from something like new movement instead of putting it behind a paywall and making all old units obselete?
    Genshin should definitely change its combat a bit; I just don't see why that should be put behind a paywall instead of being given a free rework.

  9. The “fun factor” and “novelty factor” could be also achieved by simply improving existing characters and thus promoting the use of characters that players probably never touched or played little with.

    I think that it would be better if all existing characters were more or less equally performant in their respective roles and new characters were around that level of performance.

    Then, every now and then, buff them all with new gimmicks or something.

    That way, players would only have to worry about their preferred play style and not about character X for composition Y.

    It may also incentivize changes in the Abyss to keep up with the performance of the characters without the fear of leaving a chunk of the player base behind.

  10. Genshin hasnt even shown yet its true character potential in 2 years, no cap increases, still bland 2 skill characters, no secondary weapons no combat system expansion with Parry Skiills, Dodge Sklls, Jump Skills, advanced Attack Combos, Chain Combos, Fusion Combos between 2 Characters, Midair Combat, Change In Skills/Combos for Character Switching like in ZZZ, Resonance System Expansion for Triple E Resonances, expansion of Equipment for adding Armors, Boots, Accessoires, Equipment Quality Increase, or do you think 5s Artefacts will always stay the best? XD 6S Artefacts/Equipment/Characters are just a matter of time, until MHY needs something to lure with the whales,
    Irminsul System Integration for a new form of permanent powercreep layer to change the system n how combat works with lots of earnable effects your can arrange into optimiized situationalk character builds, similar to how Guild Wars 2's Talents work.
    New Combat Systems added like Mounted/Flight/Diving Combat, adding Combat Items n expand the Buff Item System, expecially Alchemy.
    Review the option of adding at least 2 more logical Elements, Shadow (Dainsleaf obviously is an 8th Element from Khaenriah n Enkanomiya was basically the Realm of Light in the past, travelers represent Light with their original powers they had to traverse with lightspeed between the worlds), Rework/Adding of further Reactions/Advanced Reactions in the style of Nilou using Reaction X n turning it into Character unique Reaction Y.

    Genshin scratches only so far on the tip of its iceberg potential to increase the powercreep into new heights, to keep the game interesting over time n players busy, giving them always new character development-carrots to hunt after in thhe eternal process of making your characters always more stronger, more cool n fun to play, more epic to watcch at in combat, also with help of more cosmetics like new skins to make character progress also visually recognizable.
    Theres a reason for it we have get no Archon Skins, because if we could run around as Raiden Shogun in her Boss Armor Skin, that would make her look lot more powerful.
    Same with Venti, Zhongli or now especially Nahida as her true adold original Rukkhadevata-Form.
    Thats stuff, that has to be added at the right time, to make players truly feel the powercreep in a good way that lets you remind you, how long your journey in the game has been already.
    Its kind like Dragonball, where the characters constantly get stronger, thats powercreep too, but a form that logitally belongs to storytelling, where character grow with the constant challenges they are facing. I hope Genshin will finally see soon some real character development, that MHY so far keeps on ignoring in favor for world building/exploration first n pumping out new characters fast.

  11. It's the reasons you mentioned why I'd like to get into Honkai impact instead, but since it's been out 4yrs I'd have trash characters and kit compared to everyone else, I'd have missed loads of good banners, and starting again with low-spending (I only do welkin+BP on Genshin, only ever bought genesis crystals a few times if that). So basically there'd be no point…all that catching up would make a good looking game a chore..for several months at minimum no doubt.

    I did try getting into Honkai when the Evangelion event was on, but man I was so overwhelmed trying to learn everything and the combat being so quick and new, it wasn't long before I just put it down. I want to like it but not sure I can.

  12. People who are afraid of powercreep make me laugh. Just look at League of Legends and Fire Emblem Heroes!

    LOL not only makes new champions who are amazing but they ALSO go back to their older champions to reworks them or buff them. (In many cases they also completely remade older units and their animations so they look as good) It's a heavily competitive game and they've done great imo to make both new characters exciting and old characters still usable.

    FEH makes older units viable by making exclusive refines to their weapons and by letting the older units inherit more dragon flowers. (New units can inherit 5 dragon flowers, older 20!)

  13. To add on to your point at 8:23 , not only do banner sales show that people want the strong characters, but it also shows in that they avoid weaker ones. Remember Kokomi's original run? Everyone thought she was weak, because she couldn't crit, was mostly healing based, and didn't have a dedicated artifact set at the time of release. Abysmal sales. Remember Yoimiya? Same thing, the community was in uproar because they thought she wasn't too good. Remember the uproar at Yae Miko's release? One of the most wanted Inazuma characters was muddied in controversy because people thought her kit was clunky and didn't work. Players absolutely care about power and fluidity. A lot of people say that the number of players pulling for meta is small, but history shows that the amount of players pulling for meta is at least significant enough to make waves. Entire banner sales like Kokomi's was affected because of it. You can't look at her original sales numbers or Yoimiya's original sales, and tell me power doesn't matter. Keqing's banner made more money, literally.


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