Who Should You Pull in 3.4? Al Haitham, Xiao, Hu Tao or Yelan, Genshin Impact 3.4 Wishing Guide

This videos is goign over who is best to pull in Genshin Impact 3.4 – Al Haitham, Xiao, Hu Tao, or Yelan.

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00:00 3.4 5 Star Characters – Al Haitham, Xiao, Yelan, Hu Tao
00:46 How Good is Al Haitham? And Al Haitham Teams
05:13 How Good is Xiao? And Xiao Team Comps
07:48 How Good is Hu Tao? And Hu Tao Team Comps
10:50 How Good is Yelan? And Yelan Team Comps
13:26 Who should you wish for in patch 3.4?

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21 thoughts on “Who Should You Pull in 3.4? Al Haitham, Xiao, Hu Tao or Yelan, Genshin Impact 3.4 Wishing Guide”

  1. And I'm still taking Xiao without those supports you mentioned, because I'm all about aesthetics all about styles, can't clear Chamber 3 in both floor 10&11 but i still look cool, and Xiao is extremely cool so I'm taking Him

  2. I think everyone that is considering xiao must remember that TWO of his best in slot weapons are coming out this patch. The primordial jade wing spear and staff of homa respectively so if you are considering xiao you would might want to consider pulling on the weapon banner.

  3. Hi shark tysm
    I'm new player started 4 months ago, I'm sure I don't want alhaitam and xiao, but I'm confused with hu Tao and yelan after watching this i confirmed I will pull for yelan.
    As of now I'm not able to clear 12 1 because of that stupid wolf lord.
    So I thought I may require new dps after watching this video I confirmed for yelan because I have dps like Shogun ganyu nahida and ayaka nextpatch
    So I got clarity I need sub dps.

  4. I wish I could try for the weapon banner. I’d love to get xiaos weapon but if I lost to Alhaithams then that would still be worth it. Unfortunately I’ve been burned by the weapon banner before so I don’t like pulling on it. Plus all my savings are going towards Zhongli whenever he comes back so I’ll have to pass all of these.
    Best wishes for those that do pull. ❤

  5. SharkH3art, does Yelan would function in a Hyperburgeon team? Since you described that Nahida + Electro + Hydro + Pyro I was considering her for this in the future (sad that a possible Bennet and Xiangling already are on the Rosaria Reverse Melt…)

  6. I’m a yogi main, have 106 wishes and 58 pitty, I’ve loved hu tao since she came but I’m also kinda looking for a good you support and tel an fits what im looking for. Who should I go for?


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