Genshin Impact is about to enter Version 5 in the coming months. With the game reaching four years old very soon I wanted to make a video discussing the gameβs old and forgotten characters and what could be done to potentially bring them back to relevance.
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2:03 crk mentioned raaah (i love the game so much but theyβve been making so many difficult decisions recently that are hurting f2p so much. i understand it will never be on the level of genshin but i just want cotton and financier cookies to be the best forever)
Another way to make pervious characters relevant is by making it so someone's new mechanic buffs them without it being accidental like what happened to jean with furina's release as you said.
An example would be a new geo character that would have his crystalline sheild give a dmg% buff scaling on their EM. That would both make albedo directly the best in slot do to his EM boosting burst + energy battery. This method would have problems of its own (like how chori mains would be angry they would have to build a weaker geo offfielder tobe "meta") but my smooth brain fant think of better solutions atm.
I just hope it doesnt turn into HI3 where older characters are literally unplayable due to new characters having the most busted kits
EDIT~However at least Genshin doesnt have much of a competitive endgame like Honkai so we wont have to worry about old but well-built characters being basically useless
They dont need to give everyone everyone rerun. They just need to add old characters in standard banner, like in most other gacha games. Imagine pulling for some new Natlan character and losing 50/50 to Zhongli, thats would be so bad.
11:58 you know they have such a boss already right?
It already forgot them, just sometimes makes them playable by accident. Wish it wasnt as painful to max a character so you can you use them regardless without having a big lost, like is already expensive to just pull them cmn
I just wished that genshin had a pyro yelan so I can use melt and start to use my ayaka again
Klee could have been a Pyro Xingqiu but Hoyo apparently doesn't like that idea
wish they didnt tarnish their roster with a dumb collab. aloy is very out of place and really shouldnt have been a character
funny enough mona was my first 5 star and i am still using her almost every abyss to this day
such a good character
Why do you talk that way. It's extremely monotonous
Insert melanin deficiency here
Mona find a new home in Nilou's bloom team. As Jean for Furina
We really need Fate/GO style Strengthening Quests now. The buffs don't even have to be that good, just small changes to their kit to make them more viable.
Maybe even fixing the problems they put in their characters in the first place.A Skill CD reduction here, a few more % of DMG increase there, a Burst Cost reductionβ¦There's also the lack of character progression systems beyond what was introduced at launch.
No, Artifact Domains and Strongboxes don't count. No one can afford the average of 130,000 years of farming for a single perfect Artifact, assuming the player's a whale who can afford full priced Primogem Resin refreshes every day⦠and the math was done on Circlets, before Dendro.Over time, Fate/GO has added a good amount of them, and those systems alongside the Strengthening Quests and Interludes with Skill/NP buff rewards have helped older Servants keep up with the newer ones. The latest system isn't for just one Servant even, it's a system that boosts the Servant Class as a whole, meaning everyone of the same Class gets the buffs unlocked.Here are my thoughts on this.
People often complain that the end game is not difficult enough, but then they also complain that characters are too weak. I find this to be contradictory stances for the community to hold. Genshin draws a really nice balance between being approachable with every unit while still being somewhat challenging for even the stronger units – the game doesn't get enough credit for that. My main point here is that 1 problem acts as another's solution: The content is easy enough that as long as you build well and play well, you can clear basically anything in the game with any unit – yeah it won't be as easy as if you were to use Arlecchino/Neuvilette, but as long as you can earn every reward, you don't have to care about what is "meta". Genshin currently doesn't have any pvp element either, so players feel no pressure to compete against a stronger team.
So, as someone who owns Albedo and not Chiori, I don't feel particularly miffed about her existence. I can still use Albedo in my mono-geo team and see the same success as if Chiori was in it – what do I care if Chiori would help me clear 15 seconds faster if my clear is still under 3 minutes in Spiral Abyss?
If it wasn't the idea that people invented the "Meta" in a PvE game, nobody would be forgotten, I just consider it as a guide, I still play all my character so it won't be so repetitive and boring
seeing what cheveruse did for overload its not at all hard for them to do something for physical.
One of the way other gacha use to salvage fan-favorite but underpowered unit is to simply … make an alternate version of them. See Dan Heng and Imbibitor Lunae or the upcoming March 7
Mona and Arle vape team honestly slaps, like tbh they are pretty meta together and fun together π€ππ§
Bro do you not have a better mic? You always sound mumbly/muffled that I need to turn up my volume way up just to understand what youre saying
I still think level 100 characters with a unique final ascension passive could be an interesting way to 'refresh' old characters. Not all characters can be 'fixed' this way, but it would give them a chance. Things like Albedo's construct to become invincible, Mona's skill to last longer, or just general tweaks to multipliers for characters with decent kits whose damage has fallen off with time.
The major drawback though would be the insane investment costs to get to 90 let alone however they choose to implement level 100.
I think they could at least add a 3rd limited banner, so that the wait for reruns isn't so long. Or add more characters to the standard banner.
Albedo :D!
Keqing banner :
The easy way to mitegate the problem would de to make weaker units a tad more obtainable, for examble Dehya is bottom tear but if some one loves her design and wanted her she is almost unobtainable so making weaker characters easier to get would fix a lot of thing, 1st they would be inherently stronger for some players because they would have them on higher constalations, 2nd Hoyo can make money on seemingly unpopular units without compromising un thier new releases 3rd if units get used more they are more likely to find a spot that is maybe just not discovered yet. The proper way would be rebalancing those units but that isnt really cost efficent for them. Or get away from the 2 rarety system and add a raretiy for chars thar get powercreeped out of thier rarety. I mean personally I dont really care I choose charecter based on thier visuel design, how cut/ cool or beautiful they are and how the animations look and sometimes the voice.
So much excitement in your voice. I can barely stay awake
Nah forget buffing or updating older characters we gotta increase the level cap to 100 for some reason while also not doing amything to change the terrible way to get characters built, cough only one attempt at rewards on weekly bosses when they only drop 2-3 on highest world difficulty (while multiple characters need 18 of the same material for triple crown) or cough having daily restrictions especially when depending on when you play it takes half the day to refresh resin.
That's probably what hoyo is thinking unfortunately. Like folks have said they need to find a way to update them or buff them in a way where they feel balanced, also I mean they added Navia and Chiori for Geo why not do something like that with Physical so my girl Eula can actually do something. Not saying she doesn't believe me I mained her for a while and even at c0-1 she still slaps even without her supposed support character.
Edit: I'm sorry ik it's speculation but if they actually do increase the level cap to 100 then they definitely gotta do something with the way we get materials or increase the amount of materials we get, I mean for crying out loud like I said you only get like 2-3 materials a week per weekly boss like increase the amount we get or freaking allow us to get rewards multiple times. The daily restriction remove that, it's stupid that we're limited to what we can get in a day yet on Sunday everything is unlocked… why not do that everyday? I'm sorry ik it was said before but with the way that system is and the way dialog is in quests I can't help but think they don't really care and they are only increasing the amount of playtime they get so it seems like they're making good numbers or something like that, because there is no reason we should be limited to daily stuff whenever most of the gacha games out there aren't even like that.
Apologies for ranting and for making this comment extremely long.
I feel like Albedo will never recieve a buff in the meta. He has a lot of potential in the lore too but he was long forgotten. I'll still play around with him in the overworld. π
The whole imaginarium theater buff thing could remedy the situation to an extent
What they could do is make the Standard Banner more beneficial by putting older characters in and doing a Selector like in HSR, or make a Wishlist like in AFK Journey and show which 4 or 5 Stars you're looking for instead of the Chronicled Banner. Another thing they could do is in the Imaginarium Theater, they reward you your chosen older 5 Star when you reach a goal.
As a company, I believe they have to be held to a certain fair obligation in providing ongoing support for the characters they sell. Especially when they are enticing players to believe that each fully built character in their stable is worth thousands of real dollar.
If they are to dump that character just shortly after they sold them, then the company is nothing more than a legalised scam. And I'm not talking about supporting 1 year or 2, if their products should worth the equivalent of a top end iPhone, their duty to ensure such product staying relevant should never be shorter than the lifespan of software support given to top end phones.
I won't attempt to implore whales to rethink, it's their choice afterall, but the humongous monetary support given to gacha companies is a clear-as-day message to them that they can do whatever they want and turn their backs on what they sell soon after, yet still coming back to their customers marketing their flashy new product as the new must-have trend.
We probably should stop pretending Genshin impact is a game cuz light novel fits better while also being a kids game
I might be experiencing a bit of burnout from Genshin lately, but I do not feel excited for any characters they're trying to put in the game. Old characters are facing a lot of issues due to Hoyo putting in enemies that are forcing you to follow their idea of meta to some degree. Venti's burst? Not effective on many of the new enemies. Freeze mechanic? Good luck with that. Physical? Mostly forgotten.
I'm not even talking about end game content, because I really don''t have the time to dig into that and I barely care. The new mode would be rather time consuming for me so I can't be arsed despite having many leveled up units.
I used to be a Freeze Ganyu team, but she fell off so much that she's collecting dust nowadays. I'm grateful for Cloud Retainer that gave master Diluc a new chance and I love it, but once again you're required to invest in specific 5 stars to make old ones competitive again against new characters.
Now they announced Emily (was it?), the parfume maker nonsense which gives the burning reaction a reason to exists, but honestly? She feels exactly like Chiori or Eula to me, came out of nowhere with no prior lore drops in the story quests/side quests/events and overall feels like a filler character which I couldn't care less. Plus we know how the drill is: new character drops! Yooo she's so powerful! You won't believe how strong she is with this team and how big numbers she deals! NEW META!
Bollocks. I'll be fair, I'm saving up for the Archons because I would like to have all of them by the end of the story, but this constant flow of characters which changes Meta according to what Hoyo feels like doing is tiring me out. Now we have the Bond of Life mechanic, tomorrow who knows. I really want to see how the story ends, but I feel like playing less and less because of less than interesting events and stale gameplay, combined with a personal lack of time to invest into the game.
Also, unpopular opinion, but could we have less Itto in our events? Every year we're getting at least two events involving that thick skulled Oni. It was fun at first, but that's quite enough I'd say. I like to play with him, but I'd rather not have to deal with his shenanigans during events anymore. Also, I guess it's due to all the characters present in the game right now, but I feel that recent events tends to drop in characters from all over the place to the point where I feel that most of them don't even belong in it, just to show them around. A concrete example of this would be the last lantern rite with Cloud Retainer's new region where they filled the event with Fontaine characters just because Fontaine was released recently. So all of a sudden you're walking through Liyue regions and here, have a Furina. Have you met Navia yet? What about Clorinde? Also Neuvilette is here! Let's not forget Charlotte!
Yes, I got it, they exists, now begone from my Liyue event! We have Gaming and Retainer to entertain us, no need for you here.
Apologies for the rant, I shared my feelings to which many of you won't agree with and I sincerely hope that my feelings about the game will change with the upcoming updates reigniting the fires of curiosity that I had when I first started playing.
I wish you all a good day and good game π
Why not buff the old characters?
"But it's for profit, they can't do thatπ‘π "
make it a quest, you get the buff / upgrade to the character when you complete the quest and then they sell it for genesis crystals or whatever the paid primos are named.
There, profit with upgrades with story relations.
The boss that deals earthquake attacks already exists, legend from Fontaine, it's just in Genshin no mechanic actually works, you have Zhongli/Dodge.
11:55 we had this in 1.2 with the hypostasis event it was the geo cube
problem is that geo construcs get destroyed with damage or bad placment