I Decided to Beat Genshin Impact Without Wishing Part 3

#genshinimpact #shenhe #kazuha

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24 thoughts on “I Decided to Beat Genshin Impact Without Wishing Part 3”

  1. true, Liyue and Sumeru had better story arcs compared to Mondstadt and Inazuma (not counting side stories/quests).

    but early Mondstadt was meant to be the tutorial anyway so we technically haven't got any proper "MAIN Story" for Mondstadt.

  2. Well when I started playing
    I didn't realise there was something known as 'wishing' in the game till a long time
    Apparently i had completed the whole mondstadt arc, half the liyue one and whole exp progress of mondstadt.
    I had collected over 700 pulls(prob more than)
    I got 3 5 star weapons, 5 5star charac and countless 4 stars
    AND i won every 50/50, meaning 2 raidens, and 3 ayakas


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