What Happened With Itto And The Awkward State Of Geo

In this video, I will discuss what went wrong with Geo in Genshin Impact.

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35 thoughts on “What Happened With Itto And The Awkward State Of Geo”

  1. bean man.

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  2. Hot take:

    Itto is not the problem, Gorou is.
    Itto needs Gorou but Gorou puts up to many restrictions only to provide lesser than all units who put up restrictions like Nilou or The likes of Shenhe and Faruzan who give very strong buffs for their element without such restrictions.

    Plus Navia is best Girl!

  3. Itto was the epitome of “wrong place, wrong time” Due to Geo’s weird place rn, Don’t get me wrong I love Itto fav geo dps since day 1 but, he has issues yk it’s bad when people pull redhorn for OTHER CHARACTERS, not much more is said.

  4. All we need is a better gorou. One that doesn’t require 2 other geo teammates.

    Imagine gorou only needed 1 other geo member to max his buff. Itto would be able to use Furina and and a team wide healer

    Gorou is holding back geo

  5. Honestly Itto makes me sad; ive had him since his first banner (though didnt build him until his first rerun when i got his signature) and hes without a doubt my favourite DPS to use (which, considering im a whale so get almost all of them to choose from, says a lot), but thats WHEN i get to play him 😭like, as the video says, he doesnt get a lot of usage due to how he is, like, it often feels like the abyss is almost tailored against him due to the elemental checks etc

  6. They just need to introduce a teamwide Geo healer to make Furina work with him. I don't understand why are they introducing miss Albedo 2.0 when there is no need for her existence. Furina will beat her in damage department any day so what's the point.

  7. It’s so ittover. The only one change that happens in the future is Chiori replacing albedo, but she seems to be better in most but not all as she doesn’t has no aoe.

    I feel like he tries to rely on his own raw damage to compete with character with reaction that when someone else comes with better raw damage.I feel like nuevilette damage is what itto should’ve been

  8. Itto’s kit just didn’t hold up mainly because
    1. Geo
    2. Reliant on a nearly full geo team
    And now that Navia, a Geo character, can actually use a full team of other elements. That’s where he actually fell off.

  9. Just another thing. Imagine Hoyoverse gave Geo a support that could break shields regardless of the element or rework Geo in a way that allows it to deal with shields much easier. This would allow units like Itto to actually make much more use of their raw damage numbers. Basically a Silver Wolf for Genshin if you played a bit of Honkai Star Rail.

  10. Poor Itto got too specialized for Mono Geo, and since Hoyo refuses to tweak Geo more ever since they got forced to with Zhongli, he's sort of "stuck."

    The other two Geo claymores manage to be less pigeon-holed because of a "Do Everything" kit (Noelle) or just absolutely nuts damage multipliers and actively incentivizing non-Mono Geo (Navia).

  11. Been playing mono Geo since it became an option and yup the abyss's have gradually been getting more hostile. With reasonable investment c6 Gorou, R1/C0 Itto it wasn't too difficult to 3 man an abyss during Inazuma. Now it's a struggle with the full team.

    1. Need Fav on both Zhongli and Gorou
    – This makes farming artifacts hard for them you need balance crit with Def/HP
    2. Shielded units brick wall you
    3. Boss's brick wall Albedo due to the their huge hit boxes and sneezing in the direction of a construct will destroy it.
    4. Albedo's best weapon has been lost to the wheels of time and will likely not be as good at holding Chiori's.
    5. There still isn't a relevant damage amplifying reaction for Geo. That's the worst thing for an element when the abyss is solely focused on how much damage you can do.
    – Leney/Ayaka belong to the high damage amplifying elements so by nature have better mono teams (if you consider mono 3 of one element and 1 amplifying element).
    6. Hoyo refuses to release synergistic team members for geo. Navia doesn't want more than one Geo, Furina stole Noelle and Yunjin is better utilised with normal attack focused characters.

    Mono Geo really is for the Vets.I will be wishing for Chiori because I have her team. Though yeah it's a steap ask for a non Zhongli/Albedo account and that is fine not every unit has to be meta defining. Fontaine has had an abnormally large portion of it's characters really impact the Meta. Not one under performing 5 star yet. You could vertically invest in only Fontaine characters and that is all you'll ever need it's comical. Even Chiori at c1 will be the perfect partner in crime Navia, add in Xianyun and Furina.

  12. Itto's problem is not him, he's carrying his teams on his shoulders to make them at least clear because the rest of his team is comprised of 0 damage characters.
    We also just had the chiori doom wave which put navia's flexibility into question so like…
    Is the real issue itto, or the recent "can't be used comfortably with furina, bad unit" surge.

  13. Itto's perks is dude is a tank, that's a perk no one needs cuz Genshit made everything too easy.

    they prefer to listen to anxious people that got anxiety attack at every minor inconvenience in the game, anxious people that refuses to get treatment.


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