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So the 2.4 characters have been revealed and as always they look great but what in the video I mention somethings that could be very interesting but as always what are your thoughts and opinions about these characters!

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26 thoughts on “SHENHE + YUNJIN look INCREDIBLE BUT… | Genshin Impact”

  1. It sucks that they keep making amazing design cryo characters. I already have Rosaria, Ayaka and Gabyu all geared up to be main dps. I want Shenhe but with all the cryo I already have it would be a complete waste on my account. I'm hoping she's a God tier support so I can justify it to myself

    (I mean If she's fun to play I'm rolling on her regardless.) Great design and gameplay are enough to sell me

  2. they had to do increased rate of polearm introduction cuz during the start there was only xiangling as polearm, as of now, polearm has the least amount of characters so after these coming, mihoyo will start mixing the characters more so polearm wont be prevalent, even in whole inzuma update(considering itto and gorou to be last) there were 2sword user, 2 bow user, 2 polearm user and 1 claymore user

  3. WELP. I was already questioning whether to summon Itto, as I got so bored last night I raised Noelle and really enjoying her. But now 2.3 is lookin like a major skip.

  4. (Assuming Yujin is 4 star and Shenhe is 5 star) Odds are Yujin will probably be on a different banner then shenhe which kind of sucks..But maybe not. I hope they are on the same banner. 🙏🙏

  5. As of right now polearm is STILL the least used weapon in the game. With Shenhe and Yunjin it'll finally catch up to the others. People forget that we only had Xiangling when the game came out. It's just that as a result, there are a lot of polearm characters that are quite meta since there's been a lot of limited 5 stars for them

  6. And as other commentors said, I am half hoping yujin is a 4 star dps since most geo chars. Are supports. But i would still love for her to be a support, though. I hope Shenhe is not a 5 star DPS..I have way to many DPS' as is..if Shenhe is a (pure main ) DPS, I might have to skip her. (I know rumors are going around saying she is a physical or cryo dps or something like that, but I dont believe those rumors in the slightest).

  7. Was planning on getting c2 Eula but with shenhe design being better than I thought and my mommy issues, my 70 pity + 150 pulls are for her now. Just pulling for characters now without worry about how good they are since i already clear abyys just fine with Eula and xiao.

  8. I feel like shenhe is gonna be a tsundere. I can say her design looks really good. But still I will save my primos for Yae Miko rather than her. I just can't deny Yae's personality 😆😂

  9. The only gripe I have with Yunjin is that she is geo, after we are getting Itto and Gorou (two new geo) and an Albedo (old geo) rerun. I'd have taken anything else. Preferably pyro or anemo, as a contrast or complement to her overall color scheme. I also need more dps, geo tends to be support, or very lackluster unless you min-max.

    I have to pull for her, though. She is one of the only females covered/shielded against the elements, where I can't see the curvature of her ass (like Amber or Mona – who looks like a circus gymnastic performer and it would have been cool if she had been introduced to us there) or boobs (like Yae, or Fischl) and where the clothes start and end makes sense. Her outfit suits her profession and I can 100000% see her wandering around Dragonspine tossing snowballs or building snow forts with the other characters. Kind of irks me that they still haven't released any winter outfit skins. Like it could be 1 outfit fit to each model. If they started now it would be less work in the future for a really big community payoff. Just a "Hey, I am here and ready for battle, I am not wearing my gold-inlaid heels while trying to climb 100ft straight up a mountainside" kind of generic, non-sexualized traveling outfit, maybe add a different backpack for each character to match their original outfits.

    Shenhe is basically Ganyu meets Ningguang. I'm not super interested. Don't hate, don't love. Very neutral XD I have only the same issue I have with most females in the game – the skin-tight suits, the obvious or subtle sexualization where somehow all shirts fit to perfectly orbed, unnatural boobs. XD Not that I mind those types of designs in GENERAL, but when it's my only option… yeah, it gets old.

    I'm kind of tired with Genshin designs all being perfect and pristine, too. Like no injuries, or multi-colored eyes, no skin conditions like vitiligo etc. Gorou as a prominent member of Kokomi's army, as her second, could have had ripped ears or more marks to make him look like a fighter instead of an angry middleschooler. XD Itto looks like a closeted teenager oni, not a rough-and-tumble leader of a gang. His abs are drawn-on, his model boring… Playstyle barely any different from anything we have already seen.


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