What EVERY CHARACTER is BEST AT! Genshin Impact

I go through all 47 characters (including Traveler variations) to discuss what every single one of them is best at in comparison to all the other characters in the game. I kept this compact for obvious reasons. Genshin Impact 2.4.

0:00 | Intro
0:20 | Defining Best At
1:23 | List Starts Here
17:11 | Closing Statements


28 thoughts on “What EVERY CHARACTER is BEST AT! Genshin Impact”

  1. The ganyu bias. Mentions some useless best at for ganyu. 😂

    And he was straight up lying.

    1. Best taunt
    2. Best "unconditional dps"
    3. Best speedrunner.

    All lies. Lmfao.

  2. "Let me know what you think Diluc is best at."
    I made an alt account where I'm only allowed to use the bottom 1/3 of characters according to spiral abyss usage, so for this account Diluc is the best DPS I could use (at least at times where Klee is not in the bottom 1/3). A niche situation to be sure, but it is technically him being the best at something.

  3. Like many people have said in your pinned comment, please take breaks if you're feeling tired! Your content is very informative and it'll be worrisome if you over exert yourself

  4. Noelle likely has the largest melee range (infused). Her attacks have as much range as Raiden's infused charge attack; on top of that, Noelle's charge attack also covers 360 degrees, essentially doubling the range.


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